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How to update Oracle Timestamp value from the current to a timestamp from the past




I have an Oracle Table called EVENT_TABLE_T. It has a column called LAST_UPDATE_DT. One sample value from this column is: 01-JUL-13 AM. There are over 700 rows that have this same timestamp value. I would like to update this value to 45 days before this date, using a SQL statement. For example,01-JUL-13 AM, after my mental arithmetic, should become: 15-May-13 11.00.00...... (exactly 45 days). If this is successful, I would like to apply an update on a different value in LAST_UPDATE_DT that reflects a value that goes back back 46 days.

What I hope to accomplish by asking this question is to be able to learn the basics of Oracle dates and timestamps and apply them to my batch processing work. I would like to be able to run this update sql statement from Oracle SQL Developer and also from inside a Java PreparedStatement.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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ilango Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 18:07


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1 Answers

You can simply subtract a time interval from the timestamp.

SET LAST_UPDATE_DT = last_update_dt - interval '45' day
WHERE LAST_UPDATE_DT = TO_TIMESTAMP('01-JUL-2013 11:20:22:37448900','DD-MON-YYYY HH24: MI:SS:FF')
like image 108
Dave Costa Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11

Dave Costa