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How to Update or change value in cypher neo4j





Is there any update query in cypher using which we can update the property of any node or relationship ?
For e.g. I have following node and relationship:
where relatedTo is a relationship having properties like active or inactive

How can I change this property using cypher query ?

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A Gupta Avatar asked Jun 06 '13 13:06

A Gupta

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1 Answers

using SET keyword in cypher query, see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/snapshot/query-set.html . (Since I have not came across any update query in cypher like in other RDBMS)

try to set value by : SET r.<your property name>="<desired value>"; before returning any value from start n=node(...)... return n; query.

like image 53
A Gupta Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

A Gupta