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How to update jQuery from 1.4.4 to 1.7.1 right? [closed]




In our project we use jQuery 1.4.4 and jQuery UI 1.8.7 now. But we want upgrade those files to versions 1.7.1 and 1.8.18 respectively. Please, give me correct algorithm for the transition.

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Sergey Makhnatkin Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 02:02

Sergey Makhnatkin

2 Answers

Get the latest files from the jQuery site and jQuery UI site, and update your <script> and <link rel="stylesheet"> tags according to the updated file names.

Although you probably do not need to do many major changes to your own code, it is nice to get an overview of new features and improvements between versions. I suggest you read up on the blog announcements that is posted on each release, as they sum up the most important changes.

You should be especially aware of the changes made to how attr/prop behaves release 1.6.1. Some occurences of attr probably have to be changed to prop. Also, you should consider to change any uses of the live, which is now deprecated (but still working), to the new on method introduced in version 1.7.

It will also be a good idea to get the latest versions of other jQuery plugins.

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elaxsj Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 03:02


I'm afraid there's no 'algorithm' involved. Go and grab them from the site here or update your script tags with CDN links, also listed on that page.

If you need help with an upgrade path that you're having issues with, have a look at the release notes between the versions. I'm just mind-reading now.

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dwerner Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 05:02
