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How to update all records in table with incremented values?




I have a table "House":

id | name | order
1  | riw  | 0
2  | hnm  | 0
4  | vse  | 0
5  | tes  | 0

And I would like to simply receive:

id | name | order
1  | riw  | 0
2  | hnm  | 1
4  | vse  | 2
5  | tes  | 3

So I tried:

UPDATE house SET position = position + 1

but how can I increment this values?

like image 738
fozeh Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 19:12


2 Answers

Use id column to update:

UPDATE house SET order = id - 1

If you feel id can start from n value other than 1, try:

SET @position:=0;
update house
set order=@position:=@position+1
like image 156
Pradeep Kumar Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 00:03

Pradeep Kumar

In Oracle you can use ROWNUM

In My SQL : Rank can be used. Also You can create temp table with identity column which is auto-incremented. Then insert into temp table from your main table. And finally truncate your main table and insert back from temp table.

Also you can look at below query which you can modify for your purpose.

SET @row_number = 0;

    (@row_number:=@row_number + 1) AS num, firstName, lastName

enter image description here

like image 45
Avi Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 01:03
