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How to update a table using stored procedures in SQL Server

I have created a table in SQL Server called "Employee", and now I want to update the table using a stored procedure.

The table has emp_name, emp_code and status columns. Assume the table has three records: initially, in the stored procedure I want to fetch the last two records using a select statement and I have to the fetched records' status to 'Y'.

I have written a stored procedure, but it's not affecting the original table. Kindly suggest the query for the stored procedure.

Here is the query I have made:

create  procedure updtdemployee As
  select e.Emp_name ,e.Circle 
  from employee e 
  where e.Emp_Code ='2501' or e.Emp_Code='2502'

    update employee set status='Y' where Emp_name = employee.Emp_name
like image 242
user3096627 Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 01:12


2 Answers

You don't need the Select part,just do the update.

CREATE PROCEDURE updtdemployee
       @employeeID INT
     UPDATE employee 
     SET status='Y' 
     WHERE Emp_Code = @employeeID

If you want to do it Static you can use this

CREATE PROCEDURE updtdemployee     
         UPDATE employee 
         SET status='Y' 
         WHERE Emp_Code = 2501 or Emp_Code = 2502
like image 92
Maryam Arshi Avatar answered Feb 09 '23 00:02

Maryam Arshi

according to your question "I wants to fetch the last two records" if this is ONLY supposed to ever affect the last 2 records,

CREATE PROCEDURE updtdemployee     
         UPDATE employee 
         SET status='Y' 
         WHERE Emp_Code in (select top 2 Emp_Code from employee order by Emp_Code desc)

I am purely guessing on the way you want to order this but is this what you were looking for?

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Talspaugh27 Avatar answered Feb 09 '23 01:02
