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How to update a dataLayer variable?

We initially push an object containing variables to the dataLayer:

    'environment': {
        'userName': 'abc',
        'id': 123,
        'clicks': 0

We now want to increase the value of environment.clicks with every click a user makes. How to do that? When we push it via

    'environment': {
        'clicks': 123

The dataLayer Array may get 10.000s of entries. How to properly update the variable?

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Simon Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 11:01


People also ask

How do I get the dataLayer variable in Google Tag Manager?

Set up the data layer variableClick Variables. Under User-Defined Variables, click New. Click Variable Configuration and select Data Layer Variable as the variable type. In the Data Layer Variable Name field, enter the key exactly as it was written in the code (e.g. bookTitle, not book title.)

How do I reset dataLayer?

One way we can reset values is to push in an object where we set our value to undefined . This method works when we're interested in clearing the value between two distinct events that are pushed to the dataLayer . Like before, we might do this when we want to reset a value conditionally between two tags that we fire.

How do I inspect dataLayer?

A third way to find your data layer information is using the console tab in developer tools. Simply type “dataLayer” into the console, and voila, there's your data layer. Click the down arrow next to the data layer array, and you can see the different objects inside.

2 Answers

The way to update a datalayer variable is to push a variable, either when a "native" GTM event occurs or alongside a custom event. So basically you are it right.

As for your worries that the DL might get to many entries - the dataLayer gets a new entry on every click in any case (GTM adds that itself), so the additional entries for your variable will probably do not matter that much.

If you still want to avoid this you can update a global Javascript variable and use that in GTM. Google Tag Manager has access to all variables on your page (you will still get all the click events in your dataLayer).

The dataLayer also has a set method that allows you to write to the Datalayer directly, which is apparently what you are looking for. You need to acquire your GTM instance and then you can set values:

 var gtm = window.google_tag_manager[{{Container ID}}];
     gtm.dataLayer.set('balloonsPopped', undefined);

Details are e.g. here in a Bounteous article. You could use this in a custom HTML tag to update the click count before the click event fires your tag.

Also the dataLayer is reset on page load. It would take a hell of a single page app to collect 10 000s of clicks per pageview.

This is tagged Google Analytics. If you plan to track the clicks in GA remember that a GA session expires after 500 clicks, so the results might not be what you expect (also the free version only has only 10M hit per month, click tracking will quickly exhaust this). And of you want to track the number of click in GA then you would need an event or something to track the click, so the number of events is basically the metric you are looking for, or you could create a custom metric and set it to "1" in your GA call (meaning that it will be incremented by one on every call).

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Eike Pierstorff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Eike Pierstorff

Quoting from the documentation:

It's important to note that pushing a variable of the same name as an existing variable to the data layer will cause the existing value to be overwritten by the new value

Simply pushing an entry with the same variable name and the updated value should work.

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Anuj Kumar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09

Anuj Kumar