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How to unzip a zipped folder with rubyzip

I know how to retrieve the contents of a normal zip-file with rubyzip. But i got trouble unzipping the contents of a zipped folder and i hope any of u guys can help me out.

this is the code i use to unzip:

Zip::ZipFile::open(@file_location) do |zip|
 zip.each do |entry|
  next if entry.name =~ /__MACOSX/ or entry.name =~ /\.DS_Store/ or !entry.file?
  logger.debug "#{entry.name}"
  @data = File.new("#{Rails.root.to_s}/tmp/#{entry.name}")

entry.name gives me the name of the file inside the zip-file. This works perfectly with a normal zipfile. But when the zipfile is created from a folder, then the name of the entries are something like: test-folder/test.pdf. When i then try to create the file, it tells me the file can not be found. This is probably because it is inside the "test"-folder that is inside the zip.

If i check the entry to be a folder, no folder can be found. So i thought the solution to be to read the entry as a stream and then save it as a file. It is easy to get the entry-stream, but how do I save it as a file? This is what i got so far.

Zip::ZipFile::open(@file_location) do |zip|
 zip.each do |entry|
  next if entry.name =~ /__MACOSX/ or entry.name =~ /\.DS_Store/ or !entry.file?
  logger.debug "#{entry.name}"
  @data = entry.get_input_stream.read
  # How do i create a file from a stream?

Basically my question is: how can i create a file from a stream? Or is there an easier approach to this than mine?

===EDIT=== I use paperclip to store the files.

like image 760
grub4r Avatar asked May 16 '11 12:05


1 Answers

I found that a simpler approach based on jhwist's worked ok:

Zip::File.open(@file_location) do |zipfile|
  zipfile.each do |entry|
    # The 'next if...' code can go here, though I didn't use it
    unless File.exist?(entry.name)
      zipfile.extract(entry, entry.name) 

The conditional is obviously optional, but without it the code will raise an error if it tries to overwrite an existing file.

like image 72
Arepo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
