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how to unstack (or pivot?) in pandas

I have a dataframe that looks like the following:

import pandas as pd
datelisttemp = pd.date_range('1/1/2014', periods=3, freq='D')
s = list(datelisttemp)*3
df = pd.DataFrame({'BORDER':['GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY','GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY','GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY' ], 'HOUR1':[2 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,6 ,6, 6],'HOUR2':[3 ,3 ,3, 5 ,5 ,5, 7, 7, 7], 'HOUR3':[8 ,8 ,8, 12 ,12 ,12, 99, 99, 99]}, index=s)

This gives me:

Out[458]: df

             BORDER  HOUR1  HOUR2  HOUR3
2014-01-01  GERMANY      2      3      8
2014-01-01   FRANCE      2      3      8
2014-01-01    ITALY      2      3      8
2014-01-02  GERMANY      4      5     12
2014-01-02   FRANCE      4      5     12
2014-01-02    ITALY      4      5     12
2014-01-03  GERMANY      6      7     99
2014-01-03   FRANCE      6      7     99
2014-01-03    ITALY      6      7     99

I want the final dataframe to look something like:

2014-01-01   1     2        2       2     
2014-01-01   2     3        3       3
2014-01-01   3     8        8       8 
2014-01-02   1     4        4       4
2014-01-02   2     5        5       5
2014-01-02   3    12       12      12
2014-01-03   1     6        6       6
2014-01-03   2     7        7       7
2014-01-03   3    99       99      99

I've done the following but I'm not quite there:

df['date_col'] = df.index

df2 = melt(df, id_vars=['date_col','BORDER'])  
#Can I keep the same index after melt or do I have to set an index like below?
df2.set_index(['date_col', 'variable'], inplace=True, drop=True)
df2 = df2.sort()


Out[465]: df2

                         BORDER   value
date_col   variable                 
2014-01-01 HOUR1           GERMANY   2
           HOUR1           FRANCE    2
           HOUR1           ITALY     2
           HOUR2           GERMANY   3
           HOUR2           FRANCE    3
           HOUR2           ITALY     3
           HOUR3           GERMANY   8
           HOUR3           FRANCE    8
           HOUR3           ITALY     8
2014-01-02 HOUR1           GERMANY   4
           HOUR1           FRANCE    4
           HOUR1           ITALY     4
           HOUR2           GERMANY   5
           HOUR2           FRANCE    5
           HOUR2           ITALY     5
           HOUR3           GERMANY  12
           HOUR3           FRANCE   12
           HOUR3           ITALY    12
2014-01-03 HOUR1           GERMANY   6
           HOUR1           FRANCE    6
           HOUR1           ITALY     6
           HOUR2           GERMANY   7
           HOUR2           FRANCE    7
           HOUR2           ITALY     7
           HOUR3           GERMANY  99
           HOUR3           FRANCE   99
           HOUR3           ITALY    99

I thought I could unstack df2 to get something that resembles my final dataframe but I get all sorts of errors. I have also tried to pivot this dataframe but can't quite get what I want.

like image 868
codingknob Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 19:07


People also ask

How do I unstack a DataFrame in pandas?

Pandas provides various built-in methods for reshaping DataFrame. Among them, stack() and unstack() are the 2 most popular methods for restructuring columns and rows (also known as index). stack() : stack the prescribed level(s) from column to row. unstack() : unstack the prescribed level(s) from row to column.

What is unstack () in pandas?

Pandas Unstack is a function that pivots the level of the indexed columns in a stacked dataframe. A stacked dataframe is usually a result of an aggregated groupby function in pandas.

How do you pivot a panda in Python?

Pandas DataFrame: pivot() functionThe pivot() function is used to reshaped a given DataFrame organized by given index / column values. This function does not support data aggregation, multiple values will result in a MultiIndex in the columns. Column to use to make new frame's index. If None, uses existing index.

How do you unstack Groupby pandas?

Pandas unstack function to get data in wide form When you groupby multiple variables, by default the last level will be on the rows in the wide form. If we want wide form data, but with different variable on column, we can specify the level or variable name to unstack() function.

2 Answers

We want values (e.g. 'GERMANY') to become column names, and column names (e.g. 'HOUR1') to become values -- a swap of sorts.

The stack method turns column names into index values, and the unstack method turns index values into column names.

So by shifting the values into the index, we can use stack and unstack to perform the swap.

import pandas as pd

datelisttemp = pd.date_range('1/1/2014', periods=3, freq='D')
s = list(datelisttemp)*3
df = pd.DataFrame({'BORDER':['GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY','GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY','GERMANY','FRANCE','ITALY' ], 'HOUR1':[2 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,6 ,6, 6],'HOUR2':[3 ,3 ,3, 5 ,5 ,5, 7, 7, 7], 'HOUR3':[8 ,8 ,8, 12 ,12 ,12, 99, 99, 99]}, index=s)

df = df.set_index(['BORDER'], append=True)
df.columns.name = 'HOUR'
df = df.unstack('BORDER')
df = df.stack('HOUR')
df = df.reset_index('HOUR')
df['HOUR'] = df['HOUR'].str.replace('HOUR', '').astype('int')


2014-01-01     1       2        2      2
2014-01-01     2       3        3      3
2014-01-01     3       8        8      8
2014-01-02     1       4        4      4
2014-01-02     2       5        5      5
2014-01-02     3      12       12     12
2014-01-03     1       6        6      6
2014-01-03     2       7        7      7
2014-01-03     3      99       99     99
like image 82
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10


Using your df2:

>>> df2.pivot_table(values='value', index=['DATE', 'variable'], columns="BORDER")
DATE       variable                        
2014-01-01 HOUR1          2        2      2
           HOUR2          3        3      3
           HOUR3          8        8      8
2014-01-02 HOUR1          4        4      4
           HOUR2          5        5      5
           HOUR3         12       12     12
2014-01-03 HOUR1          6        6      6
           HOUR2          7        7      7
           HOUR3         99       99     99

[9 rows x 3 columns]

There is still a bit of cleanup to do if you want to convert the index level "variable" into a column called "HOUR" and strip out the text "HOUR" from the values, but I think that is the basic format you want.

like image 23
BrenBarn Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10
