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How to unpack COMP-3 digits using Java?

I have huge mainframe file and there are some packed digits in that file. I would like to know how to unpack following digit using java?

packed digit : ?

I read tutorials for unpacking digits and found the following rule to count the number of bytes required to unpack digits :

total_number_of_bytes = (no. of digits + 1) / 2

I wrote the following code to unpack digits :

public String unpackData(String packedData, int decimalPointLocation) {
        String unpackedData = "";
        char[] characters = packedData.toCharArray();
        final int impliedPositive = 15;
        final int positiveNumber = 12;
        final int negativeNumber = 13;
        for (int currentCharIndex = 0; currentCharIndex < characters.length; currentCharIndex++) {
            byte[] unpackedDigits = unpackByte((byte) characters[currentCharIndex]);
            if(currentCharIndex == (characters.length - 1)) {
                if(unpackedDigits[1] == impliedPositive || unpackedDigits[1] == positiveNumber) {
                    unpackedData += String.valueOf(unpackedDigits[0]);
                } else if(unpackedDigits[1] == negativeNumber) {
                    unpackedData = "-" + unpackedData;
            } else {
                unpackedData += String.valueOf(unpackedDigits[0]) + String.valueOf(unpackedDigits[1]);
        if(decimalPointLocation > 0) {
            unpackedData = unpackedData.substring(0, (decimalPointLocation - 1)) + 
                            "." + 
        return unpackedData;

    private byte[] unpackByte(byte packedData) {
        byte firstDigit = (byte) (packedData >>> 4);
        firstDigit = setBitsToZero(firstDigit, 4, 8);

        //System.out.println(" firstDigit = "+ firstDigit + ", and its bit string after unpacking = " + getBitString(firstDigit, 7));

        byte secondDigit = setBitsToZero(packedData, 4, 8);
        //System.out.println("second digit = " + secondDigit + ", and its bit string of second digit after unpcking = " + getBitString(secondDigit, 7));

        byte[] unpackedData = new byte[2];
        unpackedData[0] = firstDigit;
        unpackedData[1] = secondDigit;
        return unpackedData;

    private byte setBitsToZero(byte number, int startBitPosition, int endBitPosition) {
        for (int i = startBitPosition; i < endBitPosition; i++) {
            number =  (byte) (number & ~(1 << i));
        return number;

This program works correctly for integer type values but it's not working for floating point type values.

Can anyone please tell if my program is correct?

like image 875
Shekhar Avatar asked Dec 03 '13 04:12


3 Answers

COMP-3 (or "packed decimal") data looks like this: 0x12345s, where "s" is C for positive, D for negative, or F for unsigned. Thus 0x12345c -> "12345", x012345d -> "-12345", and 0x12345f -> "12345".

You've got one obvious error: You're ignoring the nybble in the byte that contains the sign nybble (e.g., "5" above) if the sign is negative. In addition, you're working too hard at manipulating the nybbles, it's a simple bitwise-and or a 4-bit shift to isolate a nybble.

Try something like this (untested):

public String unpackData(String packedData, int decimalPointLocation) {
    String unpackedData = "";
    char[] characters = packedData.toCharArray();
    final int negativeSign = 13;
    for (int currentCharIndex = 0; currentCharIndex < characters.length; currentCharIndex++) {
        byte firstDigit = ((byte) characters[currentCharIndex]) >>> 4);
        byte secondDigit = ((byte) characters[currentCharIndex]) & 0x0F;
        unpackedData += String.valueOf(firstDigit);
        if (currentCharIndex == (characters.length - 1)) {
            if (secondDigit == negativeSign) {
                unpackedData = "-" + unpackedData;
        } else {
            unpackedData += String.valueOf(secondDigit);
    if (decimalPointLocation > 0) {
        unpackedData = unpackedData.substring(0, (decimalPointLocation - 1)) + 
                        "." + 
    return unpackedData;
like image 71
Ross Patterson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Ross Patterson

public static final int UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0xff;
public static final int BITS_RIGHT = 0xf;

public long parseComp3(byte[] data) {
    long val = 0L;
    boolean negative = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        int raw = data[i] & UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        int digitA = raw >> 4;
        int digitB = raw & BITS_RIGHT;

        if (digitA < 10) {
            val *= 10L;
            val += (long) digitA;

        } else if (digitA == 11 || digitA == 13) { // Some non-IBM systems store the sign on left or use 11 for negative.
            negative = true;

        if (digitB < 10) {
            val *= 10L;
            val += (long) digitB;

        } else if (digitB == 11 || digitB == 13) {
            negative = true;
    if (negative)
        val = -val;
    return val;
like image 23
Dr Bob Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Dr Bob

The Ross Paterson solution has a bug when it moves the first 4 bits to the right. The mask 0x0F must be applied.

Here is the corrected method:

private static String unpackData(byte[] packedData, int decimalPointLocation) {
    String unpackedData = "";

    final int negativeSign = 13;
    for (int currentCharIndex = 0; currentCharIndex < packedData.length; currentCharIndex++) {
        byte firstDigit = (byte) ((packedData[currentCharIndex] >>> 4) & 0x0F);
        byte secondDigit = (byte) (packedData[currentCharIndex] & 0x0F);
        unpackedData += String.valueOf(firstDigit);
        if (currentCharIndex == (packedData.length - 1)) {
            if (secondDigit == negativeSign) {
                unpackedData = "-" + unpackedData;
        } else {
            unpackedData += String.valueOf(secondDigit);

    if (decimalPointLocation > 0) {
        int position = unpackedData.length() - decimalPointLocation;
        unpackedData = unpackedData.substring(0, position) + "." + unpackedData.substring(position);
    return unpackedData;
like image 44
L.Bravo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
