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How to unit test unsubscribe function in angular


I would like to find a way to test unsubscribe function calls on Subscriptions and Subjects.

I came up with a few possible solutions, but every one of these have pros and cons. Please keep in mind that I do not want to alter the access modifier of a variable for testing purposes.

  1. Accessing private variable of component with reflection.

In that case I have a private class variable which stores a subscription:


private mySubscription: Subscription; //... ngOnInit(): void {     this.mySubscription = this.store         .select(mySelector)         .subscribe((value: any) => console.log(value)); }  ngOnDestroy(): void {     this.mySubscription.unsubscribe(); } 


spyOn(component['mySubscription'], 'unsubscribe'); component.ngOnDestroy(); expect(component['mySubscription'].unsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); 


  • I can reach mySubscription.
  • I can test that the unsubscribe method was invoked on the right subscription.


  • I can reach mySubscription only with reflection, what I would like to avoid if possible.

  1. I create a variable for subscription just like in option 1., but instead of reaching the variable with reflection I simply check that the unsubscribe method was invoked, without knowing the source.

component.ts: same as in option 1


spyOn(Subscription.prototype, 'unsubscribe'); component.ngOnDestroy(); expect(Subscription.prototype.unsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); 


  • I can test that the unsubscribe method was called


  • I can not test the source of the invoked unsubscribe method.

  1. I implemented a helper function which invokes unsubscribe method on the passed parameters which are subscriptions.


export class SubscriptionHelper {      static unsubscribeAll(...subscriptions: Subscription[]) {         subscriptions.forEach((subscription: Subscription) => {                 subscription.unsubscribe();             });     } } 

component.ts: same as in option 1, but ngOnDestroy is different:

ngOnDestroy(): void {     SubscriptionHelper.unsubscribeAll(this.mySubscription); } 


spyOn(SubscriptionHelper, 'unsubscribeAll'); component.ngOnDestroy(); expect(SubscriptionHelper.unsubscribeAll).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); 


  • I can test that the helper function was called


  • I can not test that the unsubscribe function was called on a specific subscription.

What do you guys suggest? How do you test the cleanup in unit test?

like image 878
gr4viton Avatar asked Sep 21 '18 10:09


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1 Answers

I had exactly the same problem, here's my solution:


private subscription: Subscription; //... ngOnInit(): void {     this.subscription = this.route.paramMap.subscribe((paramMap: ParamMap) => {         // ...     }); }  ngOnDestroy(): void {     this.subscription.unsubscribe(); }  


 let dataMock;  let storeMock: Store; let storeStub: {     select: Function,     dispatch: Function };  let paramMapMock: ParamMap; let paramMapSubscription: Subscription; let paramMapObservable: Observable<ParamMap>;  let activatedRouteMock: ActivatedRoute; let activatedRouteStub: {     paramMap: Observable<ParamMap>; };  beforeEach(async(() => {     dataMock = { /* some test data */ };      storeStub = {         select: (fn: Function) => of((id: string) => dataMock),         dispatch: jasmine.createSpy('dispatch')     };      paramMapMock = {         keys: [],         has: jasmine.createSpy('has'),         get: jasmine.createSpy('get'),         getAll: jasmine.createSpy('getAll')     };      paramMapSubscription = new Subscription();     paramMapObservable = new Observable<ParamMap>();      spyOn(paramMapSubscription, 'unsubscribe').and.callThrough();     spyOn(paramMapObservable, 'subscribe').and.callFake((fn: Function): Subscription => {         fn(paramMapMock);         return paramMapSubscription;     });      activatedRouteStub = {         paramMap: paramMapObservable     };      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // ...        providers: [            { provide: Store, useValue: storeStub },            { provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: activatedRouteStub }        ]     })     .compileComponents(); }));  // ...  it('unsubscribes when destoryed', () => {     fixture.detectChanges();      component.ngOnDestroy();      expect(paramMapSubscription.unsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); 

This works for me, I hope it will for you too !

like image 85
ethanfar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
