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How to unit test synchronized code

I am new to Java and junit. I have the following peice of code that I want to test. Would appreciate if you could send your ideas about what's the best way to go about testing it.

Basically, the following code is about electing a leader form a Cluster. The leader holds a lock on the shared cache and services of the leader get resumed and disposed if it somehow looses the lock on the cache.

How can i make sure that a leader/thread still holds the lock on the cache and that another thread cannot get its services resumed while the first is in execution?

public interface ContinuousService {

public void resume();
public void pause();

public abstract class ClusterServiceManager {
private volatile boolean leader = false;
private volatile boolean electable = true;
private List<ContinuousService> services;

protected synchronized void onElected() {
    if (!leader) {
        for (ContinuousService service : services) {
        leader = true;

protected synchronized void onDeposed() {
    if (leader) {
        for (ContinuousService service : services) {
        leader = false;

public void setServices(List<ContinuousService> services) {
    this.services = services;

public boolean isElectable() {
    return electable;

public boolean isLeader() {
    return leader;

public class TangosolLeaderElector extends ClusterServiceManager implements Runnable {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TangosolLeaderElector.class);
private String election;
private long electionWaitTime= 5000L;

private NamedCache cache;

public void start() {
    log.info("Starting LeaderElector ({})",election);
    Thread t = new Thread(this, "LeaderElector ("+election+")");

public void run() {
    // Give the connection a chance to start itself up
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

    boolean wasElectable = !isElectable();
    while (true) {
        if (isElectable()) {
            if (!wasElectable) {
                log.info("Leadership requested on election: {}",election);
                wasElectable = isElectable();
            boolean elected = false;
            try {
                // Try and get the lock on the LeaderElectorCache for the current election
                if (!cache.lock(election, electionWaitTime)) {
                    // We didn't get the lock. cycle round again. 
                    // This code to ensure we check the electable flag every now & then
                elected = true;
                log.info("Leadership taken on election: {}",election);

                // Wait here until the services fail in some way.
                while (true) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
                    if (!cache.lock(election, 0)) {
                        log.warn("Cache lock no longer held for election: {}", election);
                    } else if (!isElectable()) {
                        log.warn("Node is no longer electable for election: {}", election);
                    // We're fine - loop round and go back to sleep.
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    log.error("Leadership election " + election + " failed (try bfmq logs for details)", e);
            } finally {
                if (elected) {
                    log.info("Leadership resigned on election: {}",election);
                // On deposition, do not try and get re-elected for at least the standard wait time.
                try { Thread.sleep(electionWaitTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
        } else {
            // Not electable - wait a bit and check again.
            if (wasElectable) {
                log.info("Leadership NOT requested on election ({}) - node not electable",election);
                wasElectable = isElectable();
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

public void setElection(String election) {
    this.election = election;

public String getElection() {
    return election;

public void setNamedCache(NamedCache nc) {
    this.cache = nc;
like image 745
gillJ Avatar asked May 13 '10 09:05


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1 Answers

If you are not too particular about using JUnit, then you can use TestNG framework. They have multi threaded support.

like image 112
Kartik Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10
