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How to unit test Exceptions with PHPUnit?

I'm not getting how to unit test Exceptions with PHPUnit.

Please see my method with the Exception:

    public function getPhone($html, $tag = 'OFF', $indicative, $number_lenght) {

        // .. code

        if ($tag <> 'OFF') {

            $html = $doc[$tag]->text(); // Apanho apenas o texto dentro da TAG
                if (empty($html)) {
                    throw new Exception("Nao foi possivel apanhar qualquer texto dentro da TAG, Metodo em causa: getPhone()");

        // .. code

And now my PHPUnit Test:


require_once '../Scrap.php';

class ScrapTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

    protected $scrap;

    // Setup function to instantiate de object to $this->scrap
    protected function setUp()
        $this->scrap = new Scrap;

    * @covers Scrap::getPhone
    * @expectedException Exception
    public function testGetPhone() {

        // Variables1
        $array_static1 = Array(0 => 218559372, 1 => 927555929, 2 => 213456789, 3 => 912345678);
        $phone_list1   = '</div>A Front para<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />-Apoio;<br />-Criação;<br />-Campanhas;<br />-Promoções<br /><br /><br />CONDIÇÕES:<br /><br />Local de Trabalho: Es<br />Folgas: Mistas<br /><br /><br /><br />ordem 500€<br /><br /><br /><br />Mínimos:<br /><br />- Conhecimentos;<br />- Ensino ;<br />-INGLÊS.<br /><br /><br /><br />Candidaturas: <br />[email protected]<br />218559372 | 927 555 929 | <br />RH<br />Rua C. Sal. 40<br />1000-000 Lisboa<br /><br /><br />+351 21 3456789 | (351) 912345678';

        // Variables2
        $array_static2 = Array(0 => 'NA');
        $phone_list2   = "";

        // .. more tests

        // Test Exception, Tag not found
        if (TRUE) {

            // Bloco try/catch para confirmar que aqui lança excepção
            try {            
                    $this->scrap->getPhone($phone_list1, 'hr', '351', '9');        
            catch (Exception $expected) {

            $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.');  


If I run the test I got "Failure":

1) ScrapTest::testGetPhone
Expected exception Exception

Tests: 1, Assertions: 5, Failures: 1.

The exception raises but I don't want to get failure in the PHPUnit, If the Exception raise, I want to get the test OK.

Can you give me some clues?

Best Regards,

like image 960
André Avatar asked Jan 10 '11 12:01


People also ask

How do I assert exceptions in PHPUnit?

Use expectExceptionMessage if the message is important, or if it is the only way to see where something went wrong. Use try catch if you need to validate specific properties of the exception. For this post, PHPUnit 9.5 and PHP 8.0 were used. If you want to run the tests for yourself, you can find them on github.

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PHPUnit provides methods that are used to automatically create objects that will replace the original object in our test. createMock($type) and getMockBuilder($type) methods are used to create mock object. The createMock method immediately returns a mock object of the specified type.

What is assertion in PHPUnit?

The assertEquals() function is a builtin function in PHPUnit and is used to assert whether the actual obtained value is equals to expected value or not. This assertion will return true in the case if the expected value is the same as the actual value else returns false.

1 Answers

You are doing too much there.

Either use: @expectedException Exception

OR: try / catch / $this->fail

The way you are doing it right now says "catch that exception and THEN expect the code to throw another one!"

The first way is cleaner in my opinion because it's only 1 line against 5 (or even more) lines of code and it's less error prone.

* @covers Scrap::getPhone
* @expectedException Exception
public function testGetPhone() {

    // Variables1
    $array_static1 = Array(0 => 218559372, 1 => 927555929, 2 => 213456789, 3 => 912345678);
    $phone_list1   = '...';

    // Variables2
    $array_static2 = Array(0 => 'NA');
    $phone_list2   = "";

    // .. more tests

    // Bloco try/catch para confirmar que aqui lança excepção
    $this->scrap->getPhone($phone_list1, 'hr', '351', '9');        

That should do it.

like image 166
edorian Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
