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How to uninstall a git repo using pip?




I'm using pip in a virtualenv and have installed a package from a git repo by doing this:

pip install -e git://github.com/dwaiter/django-bcrypt.git@475a3bef1e3ff31935a2dc905e244a63a804fce9#egg=django_bcrypt-dev 

But I now want to uninstall that and can't see how, as it doesn't have a conventional package name. I've tried what seem like obvious variations (like replacing 'install' with 'uninstall') but can't see how to do this from the docs.

(In this case I ultimately want to upgrade from the git repo version of django-bcrypt to version 0.9.2, and am assuming I need to uninstall the git version first.)

like image 968
Phil Gyford Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 13:01

Phil Gyford

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1 Answers

You uninstall it like you would any other library:

pip uninstall django-bcrypt

If you want to ultimately upgrade, you could also do

pip install --upgrade -e git://github.com/dwaiter/django-bcrypt.git#egg=django_bcrypt

like image 141
zsquare Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
