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How to undo Entity Framework Update-Database in .NET Core

In the standard .NET version of entity framework, you could undo the last database update using.

Update-Database -TargetMigration "NameOfPreviousMigration"

If you try this on Entity Framework for .NET Core (EntityFrameworkCore), you get the following error:

Update-Database : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'TargetMigration'. At line:1 char:17 + Update-database -TargetMigration "NameOfPreviousMigration" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Update-Database], ParameterBindingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Update-Database

How can I revert the database in .NET Core?

like image 220
JsAndDotNet Avatar asked Oct 28 '16 13:10


1 Answers

To do this in EntityFrameworkCore, you don't use the TargetMigration parameter. Just name the migration you wish to revert to.


Update-Database NameOfPreviousMigration
like image 64
JsAndDotNet Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 17:10
