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How to turn off the IntelliJ Spring Configuration Check for a directory?

Since I've upgraded to Intellij IDEA 13, I've been getting a warning message at startup:

Spring Configuration Check
Unmapped Spring configuration files found.
Please configure/setup Spring facet for modules: ...

When I click on the link to determine what files are unmapped, I see that they are all underneath a bin directory.

screen shot of warning

Is there a way I can tell IntelliJ not to warn me about files beneath bin?

like image 651
kc2001 Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 12:03


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3 Answers

If you just want to disable the notifications, do this:

IntelliJ > Preferences > Notifications > Spring Configuration Check > No popup

Or in IntelliJ IDEA 14

IntelliJ > Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Notifications > Spring Configuration Check > No popup

In IntelliJ IDEA 15, this has changed once again:

IntelliJ > Preferences > Editor > Inspections > Deselect Spring checkbox
like image 79
Cory Klein Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Cory Klein

The bin folder should be excluded from search as it contains compilation output.

Find the bin folder in project view, right click it, go to mark directory as, click excluded.

like image 31
Grzegorz Żur Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

Grzegorz Żur

Cory Klein provide working solution, but path has been changed to

File -> Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) -> Appearance & Behavior -> Notifications -> Spring Configuration Check > No popup
like image 45
Sorokin Andrey Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

Sorokin Andrey