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How to turn off Etag with htaccess?




One of my friend says, etags on off mode for speed up page loading. How to off etags with htaccess?

like image 896
Joshua Avatar asked Apr 18 '11 15:04


People also ask

How do I disable ETag IIS?

You might expect you can easily remove Entity tags, or Etag headers , in IIS by using <remove name="ETag" /> in the customHeaders node of the web. config configuration file. Luckily you can use an IIS URL Rewrite Outbound Rule in Windows Server to rewrite, and remove, the ETags response header.

How do I enable my ETag?

Enable the cache eTags settingSearch for Cache Etags. Toggle Cache Etags to ON. If ON, Etag caching is enabled, which requires a website restart. The default value is ON.

What is ETag header vulnerability?

Description. The remote web server is affected by an information disclosure vulnerability due to the ETag header providing sensitive information that could aid an attacker, such as the inode number of requested files.

1 Answers

To unset Etags use 3 lines below:

Header unset Pragma
FileETag None
Header unset ETag 

But, to increase page loading speed, my advice is YSlow. perfect tool & Yslow recommends to use Etags instead of setting off.

like image 151
risyasin Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 08:01
