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How to turn off auto-complete block comments in NetBeans in PHP?

This question is only about PHP, not for Java.

NetBeans in PHP automatically completes block comments when I type /* rewriting it like this:


I really don't want any auto-completting after typing /* or */. I know there is a solution for Java but I can't find any for PHP. Is it possible to turn off this feature please?

enter image description here

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Martin Ille Avatar asked Jul 27 '14 00:07

Martin Ille

1 Answers

Apparently it is not yet possible if you are using NetBeans for PHP. This user had a similar question: How to do multi-line comments in NetBeans without auto DocBlock formatting?

As you can see he submitted a bug report but scrolling down in the provided link shows that it was only corrected for Java so far:


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Luís Ferreira Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 11:11

Luís Ferreira