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How to truncate a string after a word in scala




Given the following string...


I want to truncate it after the word two and get


I've implemented the methods truncateBefore and truncateAfter like this:

def truncateBefore(s: String, p: String) = {
  s.substring(s.indexOf(p) + p.length, s.length)

def truncateAfter(s: String, p: String) = {
  s.substring(0, s.indexOf(p) + p.length)

These methods work and return the expected results:

scala> truncateAfter("localhost:9000/one/two/three", "two")
res1: String = "localhost:9000/one/two"

scala> truncateBefore("localhost:9000/one/two/three", "two")
res2: String = "/three"

Is there a better way to do this in scala? Preferably with a regex?

like image 939
j3d Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 19:02


2 Answers

One option using regex:

val beforeAfter = "(^.*two)(.*)$".r

scala> val beforeAfter(after, before) = "localhost:9000/one/two/three"
after: String = localhost:9000/one/two
before: String = /three

Another option using split:

scala> "localhost:9000/one/two/three" split ("two")
res0: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(localhost:9000/one/, /three)

These are not super robust solutions in case you don't have a word two in the input, but you can handle it accordingly...

One more using regex in for comprehension:

scala> val beforeAfter = "(^.*two)(.*)$".r
beforeAfter: scala.util.matching.Regex = (^.*two)(.*)$

scala> (for {
     |   matches <- beforeAfter.findAllIn("localhost:9000/one/two/three").matchData
     |   tokens <- matches.subgroups
     |  } yield tokens).toList
res0: List[String] = List(localhost:9000/one/two, /three)

which is safe if no matches found:

scala> (for {
     |   match <- beforeAfter.findAllIn("localhost").matchData
     |   token <- match.subgroups
     |  } yield token).toList
res1: List[String] = List()
like image 141
yǝsʞǝla Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11


Splitting after the first literal, without much regex-fu (pun intended).

scala> implicit class `split after`(val s: String) {
     | def splitAfter(p: String): (String, String) = {
     |   val r = (Regex quote p).r
     |   r findFirstMatchIn s map (m => (s.substring(0, m.end), m.after.toString)) getOrElse (s, "")
     | }}
defined class split$u0020after

scala> "abcfoodeffooghi" splitAfter "foo"
res2: (String, String) = (abcfoo,deffooghi)

scala> "abc*def" splitAfter "*"
res3: (String, String) = (abc*,def)
like image 30
som-snytt Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11
