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How to translate docker-compose.yml to Dockerrun.aws.json for Django

I am following the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/compose/django/ to get a basic dockerized django app going. I am able to run it locally without a problem but I am having trouble to deploy it to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk. After reading here, I figured that I need to translate docker-compose.yml into Dockerrun.aws.json for it to work.

The original docker-compose.yml is

version: '2' services:   db:     image: postgres   web:     build: .     command: python manage.py runserver     volumes:       - .:/code     ports:       - "8000:8000"     depends_on:       - db 

and here is what I translated so far

{   "AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 2,   "volumes": [     {       "name": "db"     },     {       "name": "web"     }   ],   "containerDefinitions": [     {       "name": "db",       "image": "postgres",       "essential": true,       "memory": 256,       "mountPoints": [         {           "sourceVolume": "db"           "containerPath": "/var/app/current/db"         }       ]     },     {       "name": "web",       "image": "web",       "essential": true,       "memory": 256,       "mountPoints": [         {           "sourceVolume": "web"           "containerPath": "/var/app/current/web"         }       ],       "portMappings": [        {          "hostPort": 8000,          "containerPort": 8000        }      ],      "links": [         "db"       ],       "command": "python manage.py runserver"     }   ] } 

but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?

like image 522
user3667089 Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 00:09


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What is Dockerrun AWS JSON file?

A Dockerrun. aws. json file is an Elastic Beanstalk–specific JSON file that describes how to deploy a set of Docker containers as an Elastic Beanstalk application. You can use a Dockerrun.

Can JSON be used instead of Yaml for composing file in Docker?

Yaml is a superset of json so any JSON file should be valid Yaml. To use a JSON file with Compose, specify the filename to use.

Can Docker compose be JSON?

Using the string form causes Docker to run your process using bash which doesn't handle signals properly. Compose always uses the JSON form, so don't worry if you override the command or entrypoint in your Compose file.

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depends_on is a Docker Compose keyword to set the order in which services must start and stop. For example, suppose we want our web application, which we'll build as a web-app image, to start after our Postgres container.

1 Answers

I was struggling to get the ins and outs of the Dockerrun format. Check out Container Transform: "Transforms docker-compose, ECS, and Marathon configurations"... it's a life-saver. Here is what it outputs for your example:

{     "containerDefinitions": [         {             "essential": true,             "image": "postgres",             "name": "db"         },         {             "command": [                 "python",                 "manage.py",                 "runserver",                 ""             ],             "essential": true,             "mountPoints": [                 {                     "containerPath": "/code",                     "sourceVolume": "_"                 }             ],             "name": "web",             "portMappings": [                 {                     "containerPort": 8000,                     "hostPort": 8000                 }             ]         }     ],     "family": "",     "volumes": [         {             "host": {                 "sourcePath": "."             },             "name": "_"         }     ] } Container web is missing required parameter "image". Container web is missing required parameter "memory". Container db is missing required parameter "memory". 

That is, in this new format, you must tell it how much memory to allot each container. Also, you need to provide an image - there is no option to build. As is mentioned in the comments, you want to build and push to DockerHub or ECR, then give it that location: eg [org name]/[repo]:latest on Dockerhub, or the URL for ECR. But container-transform does the mountPoints and volumes for you - it's amazing.

like image 87
Sam H. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Sam H.