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How to transform a tuple to a string of values without comma and parentheses



I retrieved data from a sql query by using

bounds = cursor.fetchone()

And I get a tuple like:

(34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)

And I would like to have a string like 34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344

Does a function exist that can do that?

like image 728
Below the Radar Avatar asked Jul 02 '13 13:07

Below the Radar

People also ask

How do you print a tuple without parentheses and commas?

Specifically, the expression print(*my_tuple, sep=', ') will print the tuple elements without parentheses and with a comma between subsequent tuple elements.

How do I return a tuple without parentheses?

In Python, you can return multiple values by simply return them separated by commas. In Python, comma-separated values are considered tuples without parentheses, except where required by syntax. For this reason, the function in the above example returns a tuple with each value as an element.

Can you convert tuple to string?

Use the str. join() Function to Convert Tuple to String in Python. The join() function, as its name suggests, is used to return a string that contains all the elements of sequence joined by an str separator. We use the join() function to add all the characters in the input tuple and then convert it to string.

3 Answers

Use str.join():

>>> mystring = ' '.join(map(str, (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)))
>>> print mystring
34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344

You'll have to use map here (which converts all the items in the tuple to strings) because otherwise you will get a TypeError.

A bit of clarification on the map() function:

map(str, (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344) is equivalent to [str(i) for i in (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)].

It's a tiny bit faster than using a list comprehension:

$ python -m timeit "map(str, (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344))"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.93 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit "[str(i) for i in (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)]"
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.02 usec per loop

As shown in the comments to this answer, str.join() can take a generator instead of a list. Normally, this would be faster, but in this case, it is slower.

If I were to do:

' '.join(itertools.imap(str, (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)))

It would be slower than using map(). The difference is that imap() returns a generator, while map() returns a list (in python 3 it returns a generator)

If I were to do:

''.join(str(i) for i in (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344))

It would be slower than putting brackets around the list comprehension, because of reasons explained here.

In your (OP's) case, either option does not really matter, as performance doesn't seem like a huge deal here. But if you are ever dealing with large tuples of floats/integers, then now you know what to use for maximum efficiency :).

like image 177
TerryA Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10


You can also use str.format() to produce any arbitrary formatting if you're willing to use * magic. To handle the specific case of this question, with a single separator, is actually a little cumbersome:

>>> bounds = (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)
>>> "{} {} {} {}".format(*bounds)

34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344

A more robust version that handles any length, like join, is:

>>> len(bounds)*"{} ".format(*bounds)

But the value added is that if you want to extend your formatting to something more involved you've got the option:

>>> "{} --> | {:>10} | {:>10} | {:>10} |".format(*bounds)

34.2424 --> |   -64.2344 |    76.3534 |    45.2344 |

From here, your string formatting options are very diverse.

like image 39
mattsilver Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


If I've got your message, you are getting tuple of floats, am I right?

If so, the following code should work:

In [1]: t = (34.2424 , -64.2344 , 76.3534 , 45.2344)

In [2]: ' '.join([str(x) for x in t])
Out[2]: '34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344'

We're converting every value in tuple to string here, because str.join method can work only with lists of string. If t is a tuple of strings the code will be just ' '.join(t).

In case you're getting string in format "(34.2424 , -64.2344 , 76.3534 , 45.2344)", you should firstly get rid of unnescessary parthensis and commas:

In [3]: t = "(34.2424 , -64.2344 , 76.3534 , 45.2344)"

In [4]: t.strip('()')
Out[4]: '34.2424 , -64.2344 , 76.3534 , 45.2344'

In [5]: numbers = t.strip('()')

In [6]: numbers.split(' , ')
Out[6]: ['34.2424', '-64.2344', '76.3534', '45.2344']

In [7]: ' '.join(numbers.split(' , '))
Out[7]: '34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344'
like image 20
utter_step Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10
