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How to train a RNN with LSTM cells for time series prediction


I'm currently trying to build a simple model for predicting time series. The goal would be to train the model with a sequence so that the model is able to predict future values.

I'm using tensorflow and lstm cells to do so. The model is trained with truncated backpropagation through time. My question is how to structure the data for training.

For example let's assume we want to learn the given sequence:


And we unroll the network for num_steps=4.

Option 1

input data               label     
1,2,3,4                  2,3,4,5
5,6,7,8                  6,7,8,9
9,10,11,12               10,11,12,13

Option 2

input data               label     
1,2,3,4                  2,3,4,5
2,3,4,5                  3,4,5,6
3,4,5,6                  4,5,6,7

Option 3

input data               label     
1,2,3,4                  5
2,3,4,5                  6
3,4,5,6                  7

Option 4

input data               label     
1,2,3,4                  5
5,6,7,8                  9
9,10,11,12               13

Any help would be appreciated.

like image 673
Jakob Avatar asked Mar 12 '16 17:03


People also ask

How does RNN work along with LSTM?

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are an extension of RNN that extend the memory. LSTM are used as the building blocks for the layers of a RNN. LSTMs assign data “weights” which helps RNNs to either let new information in, forget information or give it importance enough to impact the output.

Can RNN be used for time series forecasting?

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are deep learning models, typically used to solve problems with sequential input data such as time series.

Can LSTM be used for time series forecasting?

One of the most advanced models out there to forecast time series is the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network. According to Korstanje in his book, Advanced Forecasting with Python: “The LSTM cell adds long-term memory in an even more performant way because it allows even more parameters to be learned.

2 Answers

I'm just about to learn LSTMs in TensorFlow and try to implement an example which (luckily) tries to predict some time-series / number-series genereated by a simple math-fuction.

But I'm using a different way to structure the data for training, motivated by Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using LSTMs:

LSTM Future Predictor Model

Option 5:

input data               label     
1,2,3,4                  5,6,7,8
2,3,4,5                  6,7,8,9
3,4,5,6                  7,8,9,10

Beside this paper, I (tried) to take inspiration by the given TensorFlow RNN examples. My current complete solution looks like this:

import math
import random
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

MAX_STEPS = 1000

def ground_truth_func(i, j, t):
    return i * math.pow(t, 2) + j

def get_batch(batch_size):
    seq = np.zeros([batch_size, NUM_T_STEPS, 1], dtype=np.float32)
    tgt = np.zeros([batch_size, NUM_T_STEPS], dtype=np.float32)

    for b in xrange(batch_size):
        i = float(random.randint(-25, 25))
        j = float(random.randint(-100, 100))
        for t in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
            value = ground_truth_func(i, j, t)
            seq[b, t, 0] = value

        for t in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
            tgt[b, t] = ground_truth_func(i, j, t + NUM_T_STEPS)
    return seq, tgt

# Placeholder for the inputs in a given iteration
sequence = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, NUM_T_STEPS, 1])
target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, NUM_T_STEPS])

fc1_weight = tf.get_variable('w1', [LSTM_SIZE, 1], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0))
fc1_bias = tf.get_variable('b1', [1], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1))

with tf.variable_scope('ENC_LSTM'):
    lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(LSTM_SIZE)
    multi_lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm] * LSTM_LAYERS)
    initial_state = multi_lstm.zero_state(BATCH_SIZE, tf.float32)
    state = initial_state
    for t_step in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
        if t_step > 0:

        # state value is updated after processing each batch of sequences
        output, state = multi_lstm(sequence[:, t_step, :], state)

learned_representation = state

with tf.variable_scope('DEC_LSTM'):
    lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(LSTM_SIZE)
    multi_lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm] * LSTM_LAYERS)
    state = learned_representation
    logits_stacked = None
    loss = 0.0
    for t_step in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
        if t_step > 0:

        # state value is updated after processing each batch of sequences
        output, state = multi_lstm(sequence[:, t_step, :], state)
        # output can be used to make next number prediction
        logits = tf.matmul(output, fc1_weight) + fc1_bias

        if logits_stacked is None:
            logits_stacked = logits
            logits_stacked = tf.concat(1, [logits_stacked, logits])

        loss += tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(logits - target[:, t_step])) / BATCH_SIZE

reg_loss = loss + LAMBDA_REG * (tf.nn.l2_loss(fc1_weight) + tf.nn.l2_loss(fc1_bias))

train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(reg_loss)

with tf.Session() as sess:

    total_loss = 0.0
    for step in xrange(MAX_STEPS):
        seq_batch, target_batch = get_batch(BATCH_SIZE)

        feed = {sequence: seq_batch, target: target_batch}
        _, current_loss = sess.run([train, reg_loss], feed)
        if step % 10 == 0:
            print("@{}: {}".format(step, current_loss))
        total_loss += current_loss

    print('Total loss:', total_loss)

    print('### SIMPLE EVAL: ###')
    seq_batch, target_batch = get_batch(BATCH_SIZE)
    feed = {sequence: seq_batch, target: target_batch}
    prediction = sess.run([logits_stacked], feed)
    for b in xrange(BATCH_SIZE):
        print("{} -> {})".format(str(seq_batch[b, :, 0]), target_batch[b, :]))
        print(" `-> Prediction: {}".format(prediction[0][b]))

Sample output of this looks like this:

### SIMPLE EVAL: ###
# [input seq] -> [target prediction]
#  `-> Prediction: [model prediction]  
[  33.   53.  113.  213.] -> [  353.   533.   753.  1013.])
 `-> Prediction: [ 19.74548721  28.3149128   33.11489105  35.06603241]
[ -17.  -32.  -77. -152.] -> [-257. -392. -557. -752.])
 `-> Prediction: [-16.38951683 -24.3657589  -29.49801064 -31.58583832]
[ -7.  -4.   5.  20.] -> [  41.   68.  101.  140.])
 `-> Prediction: [ 14.14126873  22.74848557  31.29668617  36.73633194]

The model is a LSTM-autoencoder having 2 layers each.

Unfortunately, as you can see in the results, this model does not learn the sequence properly. I might be the case that I'm just doing a bad mistake somewhere, or that 1000-10000 training steps is just way to few for a LSTM. As I said, I'm also just starting to understand/use LSTMs properly. But hopefully this can give you some inspiration regarding the implementation.

like image 121
b3nk4n Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10


After reading several LSTM introduction blogs e.g. Jakob Aungiers', option 3 seems to be the right one for stateless LSTM.

If your LSTMs need to remember data longer ago than your num_steps, your can train in a stateful way - for a Keras example see Philippe Remy's blog post "Stateful LSTM in Keras". Philippe does not show an example for batch size greater than one, however. I guess that in your case a batch size of four with stateful LSTM could be used with the following data (written as input -> label):

batch #0:
1,2,3,4 -> 5
2,3,4,5 -> 6
3,4,5,6 -> 7
4,5,6,7 -> 8

batch #1:
5,6,7,8 -> 9
6,7,8,9 -> 10
7,8,9,10 -> 11
8,9,10,11 -> 12

batch #2:
9,10,11,12 -> 13

By this, the state of e.g. the 2nd sample in batch #0 is correctly reused to continue training with the 2nd sample of batch #1.

This is somehow similar to your option 4, however you are not using all available labels there.


In extension to my suggestion where batch_size equals the num_steps, Alexis Huet gives an answer for the case of batch_size being a divisor of num_steps, which can be used for larger num_steps. He describes it nicely on his blog.

like image 22
Robert Pollak Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Robert Pollak