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How to track Indian Mutual Funds using Google Sheets and update the price automatically

Looking to manage the mutual fund portfolio, and automatically update the price so the portfolio always shows the correct information.

I have tried to use Google sheet functions like



The outcome of this is to create a portfolio with an automated price update.

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Suresh PB Avatar asked Mar 24 '19 08:03

Suresh PB

1 Answers

You can easily use GOOGLEFINANCE APIs to do this. Suppose you want to track price of SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme Direct Growth.

You can do this in the following steps:

  1. Go to Google Finance.
  2. Get the Google Finance Ticker symbol or Stock Id for the fund. For example: MUTF_IN:SBI_MAGN_TAX_VQNUL5 for SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme Direct Growth.
  3. In a new Google Sheet use the following method to get current price of the MF.


For example see:

  1. Medium Article
  2. video tutorial
  3. sheet
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Rishabh Agarwal Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Rishabh Agarwal