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How to track events in extension?

Most iOS analytics tools (flurry, new relics) use the standard uiapplication delegate methods to upload events in batch, every minute or when the application terminate. I haven't seen any dedicated solution for extension (today, photo...) from these guys. What do you do for analytics in extension in ios8?

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Matthieu Rouif Avatar asked Sep 10 '14 09:09

Matthieu Rouif

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What is Event Tracking Tool?

What is Event Tracking Software? Event Tracking Software manages all kinds of contacts and orders concerning an event. It tracks the real-time event activities and aids in various processes such as registration, stage management, and accounting.

What is Event Tracking on a website?

Event tracking, or action tracking, usually refers to the monitoring of interactions on a website beyond a simple web page load. Event tracking provides data on how visitors are engaging (or not engaging) with a website, making it possible to fine-tune SEO and PPC marketing campaigns to maximum effect.

1 Answers

For now, I used two work arounds 1 - I used app group shared data https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/ExtensionScenarios.html and I log the event when the user open the containing app 2 - My today extension allow user to openURL to open the containing app, I pass data in the params of the url.

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Matthieu Rouif Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09

Matthieu Rouif