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How to toggle commenting and uncommeting code in IDEA?

Is there a way to comment/uncomment a block of selected text in IDEA?

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Blankman Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 01:07


3 Answers

Yes, highlight the block and type Ctrl + Shift + /. To uncomment, just repeat.

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duffymo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


with Shift this makes for block style comments /**/, without it for line style comments Ctrl + / -> \\ (tested with IDEA 10U)

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gnat Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


Jetbrains provides a printable reference card with the default set of Windows and Mac key bindings.

For the benefit of others who might stumble across this question & answers... In addition to the windows key binding provided in other answers, there is also a keystroke for toggling a comment bock in IntelliJ IDEA on the Mac.

Line Comment


Block Comment


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Jason Braucht Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Jason Braucht