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How to time travel to end of animation using React Jest

I'm trying to test a component which change state after a TweenMax animation. Everything's fine on browser, but I cannot understand how to write a test for it.

The problem is Jest doesn't wait for the animation to complete, therefore state doesn't change.

I also tried with jest.runAllTicks() and jest.runAllTimers()

Here some code that would eventually simulate what I'm working on:


class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { done: false };

    componentDiDMount() {
        TweenMax.to(ReactDOM.findDOMNOde(this.p), 1, { 
            onComplete: () => {
                this.setState({ done: true })

    renderMessage() {
        if (this.state.done) {
            return "Hello World";
        } else {
            return "Loading...";

    render () {
        return <p ref={p => this.p = p}>{this.renderMessage()}</p>;

Test (basic structure)

    it("works", ()=>{
        const component = mount(<HelloWorld />);
        // ...wait some time (or pretend to)
        expect(component.find(p).text()).toEqual("Hello World");
like image 453
a.barbieri Avatar asked May 16 '18 09:05


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1 Answers

Digging into Jest documentation I've found that you can specify a done parameter which will force the test to wait until done() is called.

This way it's possible to set a timeout and wait for the animation to complete.

See Jest callbacks documentation

describe("test",() => {
    it("works", done => {
        const component = mount(<HelloWorld />);
        setTimeout(() => {
            expect(component.find(p).text()).toEqual("Hello World");
        }, 1100);
like image 109
a.barbieri Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
