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How to throw an error without throw

So recently I was asked a question :

Is there a way to throw an error without using throw in javaScript ?

As far as I knew about errors, there was only one way to throw an error in JavaScript and that was using throw statement in JavaScript like so :

var myFunc = () => {
  // some code here 
  throw 'Some error' // in a conditional 
  // some more code

try {
}catch(e) {

And not knowing any other way I said No, there is no other way. But now I'm wondering whether I was right ?

So the question is whether or not you can throw a custom error in JavaScript without using throw

Restrictions :

  • Kindly no using eval , Function.
  • Don't use throw in your code

Additional :

If you can throw an error without using the word Error

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Muhammad Salman Avatar asked May 28 '18 18:05

Muhammad Salman

3 Answers

Generators do have a throw method that is usually used to throw an exception into the generator function code (at the place of a yield expression, similar to next), but if not caught it bubbles out of the call:

(function*(){})().throw(new Error("example"))

Of course, this is a hack and not good style, I have no idea what answer they expected. Especially the "no division by zero" requirement is sketchy, since division by zero does not throw exceptions in JS anyway.

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Bergi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09


If all you want to do is throw an error then just do an invalid operation. I've listed a few below. Run them on your browser console to see the errors (tested on chrome and firefox).

var myFunc = () => {
  encodeURI('\uD800');    // URIError
  a = l;                  // ReferenceError
  null.f()                // TypeError

try {
}catch(e) {
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TheChetan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09


function throwErrorWithoutThrow(msg) {
  // get sample error 
  try {
  } catch (typeError) {
    // aquire reference to Error
    let E = typeError.__proto__.__proto__.constructor;

    // prepare custom Error
    let error = E(msg);

    // throw custom Error
    return Promise.reject(error);

  /* catch the error, you have to use .catch as this is a promise
  that's the only drawback, you can't use try-catch to catch these errors */
  .catch((e) => {
    console.log("Caught You!");
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Fabian N. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Fabian N.