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How to test HTML of a rendered React component?

My React component has a suggestionRenderer property that allows to specify how the component is rendered. For example:

<Autosuggest suggestions={getSuburbs}
             suggestionRenderer={renderLocation} />
function renderLocation(suggestion, input) {
  return (
    <span><strong>{suggestion.slice(0, input.length)}</strong>{suggestion.slice(input.length)}</span>

Now, I'd like to write a jest test to make sure that suggestionRenderer does its job. Inspecting myElement.getDOMNode().innerHTML reveals:

<span data-reactid=".9.1.$suggestion0.0"><strong data-reactid=".9.1.$suggestion0.0.0">M</strong><span data-reactid=".9.1.$suggestion0.0.1">ill Park</span></span>

which is not particularly useful.

Is there a way to get a clean HTML, without React attributes?

like image 913
Misha Moroshko Avatar asked Mar 11 '15 05:03

Misha Moroshko

2 Answers

You can use React.renderToStaticMarkup for this.

  <Autosuggest ... suggestionRenderer{renderLocation}/>

Or just grab innerHTML and strip it manually, but I don't know how reliable that will be cross-browser:

var reactAttrs = / data-react[-\w]+="[^"]+"/g

myElement.getDOMNode().innerHTML.replace(reactAttrs, '')

I used to use React.renderComponentToString and manually strip out the data-react- attrs prior to React.renderToStaticMarkup being added.

like image 200
Jonny Buchanan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Jonny Buchanan

I generally don't unit test HTML (I figure if React's unit tests are passing, then the HTML generated is good plus I intend to have integration test with selenium to test the HTML anyways) but I do test that the component is generating the correct virtual DOM.

I have a similar component and the way I test auto complete items looks like this.

var testAutoCompleteItems = [{
  display: 'test 1',
  value: 1
}, {
  display: 'test 2',
  value: 2
}, {
  display: 'test 3',
  value: 3


it('should set items based on pass getData property', function(done) {
  Fiber(function() {
    testGlobals.component = React.render(<ExtendText onChange={testHelper.noop} getData={getData} />, div);
    var input = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(testGlobals.component, 'extend-text__display-input');



    var autoCompleteContainer = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(testGlobals.component, 'extend-text__auto-complete-container');
    var autoCompleteItems = TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(autoCompleteContainer, 'li');

    //make sure elements are correct
    autoCompleteItems.forEach(function(item, key) {

    //make sure there is the correct number of elements
like image 33
ryanzec Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
