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How to test for tooltip title in jest and testing/library

I want to test that the tooltip title is equal to a specific text or not. This is my antd tooltip I want to write a test for that:

     this.props.connection ? "Connected" : "Disconnected (Try again)"
  <Badge status="default" data-testid="connection-sign" />

and this is my test in jest:

 test("Show error title in tooltip", async () => {
    baseDom = render(cardComponent);
    fireEvent.mouseMove(await baseDom.findByTestId("connection-sign")); //To hover element and show tooltip
        "Disconnected (Try again)"

but this test failed and unable to find an element with this title. How can I test that my tooltip contain "Disconnected (Try again)"?

like image 755
Zahra Talebi Avatar asked Jul 20 '20 06:07

Zahra Talebi

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1 Answers

There are multiple mistakes in your test.

  1. Passing component type instead of component instance to render
baseDom = render(cardComponent); // this is wrong, passing component type
baseDom = render(<cardComponent />); // this is right, passing component instance created with JSX
  1. Using mouseMove instead of mouseOver event

  2. Searching element by title and passing text instead of searching by text

baseDom.getByTitle("Disconnected (Try again)"); // wrong, because, the prop on the Tooltip is called 'title' but it is actually text as 'getByTitle' looks for HTML title attribute

baseDom.getByText("Disconnected (Try again)"); // right, because you are actually looking for text not HTML title attribute (but wrong see (4))
  1. Using sync method for Tooltip search instead of async
baseDom.getByText("Disconnected (Try again)");  // wrong, because, Tooltip is added dynamically to the DOM

await baseDom.findByText("Disconnected (Try again)"); // right

To sum up, with all mistakes fixed the test should look like this:

import React from "react";
import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
import App from "./App";

test("Show error title in tooltip", async () => {
  const baseDom = render(<cardComponent />);


    await baseDom.findByText("Disconnected (Try again)")

like image 112
Rostyslav Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
