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How to test for thrown error with Chai.should [duplicate]

I'm using Chai.should and I need to test for an exception, but whatever I try, I cannot get it to work. The docs only explain expect :(

I have this Singleton class which throws an error if you try

new MySingleton();

Here is the constructor that throws the error

constructor(enforcer) {
    if(enforcer !== singletonEnforcer) throw 'Cannot construct singleton';

Now I would like to check that this happens

 it('should not be possible to create a new instance', () => {
    (function () {
        new MySingleton();
    })().should.throw(Error, /Cannot construct singleton/);


new MySingleton().should.throw(Error('Cannot construct singleton');

None of these work. How is this done ? Any suggestions ?

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Jeanluca Scaljeri Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 08:03

Jeanluca Scaljeri

2 Answers

I know this is an answered question, but i'd still like to throw in my two cents.

There is a section in the style guide for this, namely: http://chaijs.com/guide/styles/#should-extras. So what does this look like in practice:

should.Throw(() => new MySingleton(), Error);

It's not all that different from the accepted answer, i find it a bit more readable though, and more in line with their guideline.

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N. Tosic Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

N. Tosic

The Problem here is that you are executing the function directly, effectively preventing chai from being able to wrap a try{} catch(){} block around it.

The error is thrown before the call even reaches the should-Property.

Try it like this:

 it('should not be possible to create a new instance', () => {
   (function () {
       new MySingleton();
   }).should.throw(Error, /Cannot construct singleton/);

or this:

MySingleton.should.throw(Error('Cannot construct singleton');

This lets Chai handle the function call for you.

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David Losert Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

David Losert