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How to test dynamic imports (then and catch) with Jest

So I have been struggling with how to test dynamic imports generally and in this case, especially in jest, I have been reading a lot on the internet but did not find anything concrete, so I thought about bringing the question up to centralize a decent solution.

I have the following methods inside of a class

class MyClass {
   successMethod() {  ...  }

   errorMethod() { ... }

    myMethod() {
        return import('./myFile.js')
           .then(() => this.successMethod())
           .catch(() => this.errorMethod());

My question is:

How do you mock both Success and Failing promise cases for this dynamic import using Jest to make sure each method (successMethod and errorMethod) are called when resolving or failing respectively?.

I found jest.doMock helps for mocking the resolved case but did not find a way to make the dynamic import fail by mocking it so the catch case is uncovered.

Note: this is not a react application, this is a Vanilla JS project.

like image 765
Enmanuel Duran Avatar asked Sep 14 '20 22:09

Enmanuel Duran

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1 Answers

Prototype methods can be spied or mocked on either MyClass.prototype or class instance. Module mocks and spy functions should be restored for each test in order for them to not affect each other.

let myClass;
beforeEach(() => {
  myClass = new MyClass();
  jest.spyOn(myClass, 'successMethod');
  jest.spyOn(myClass, 'errorMethod');

jest.doMock requires to import all affected modules after it was called. In order for dynamic import to result in rejected promise, myFile module should throw an error when evaluated. Since dynamic import returns a promise, tests should be asynchronous.

it('...', async () => {
  jest.mock('./myFile.js', () => 'value');
  await expect(myClass.myMethod()).resolves.toEqual(/* return value from successMethod */);

it('...', async () => {
  jest.mock('./myFile.js', () => { throw new Error() });
  await expect(myClass.myMethod()).rejects.toThrow(/* error message from errorMethod */);
like image 67
Estus Flask Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Estus Flask