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How to test a React Native component that imports a custom native module with Jest?


Here is a simple component that I am trying to test using React Native 0.39 and Jest 18:

// index.ios.js  import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, NativeModules, View } from 'react-native';  export default class TestProject extends Component {   componentDidMount() {     NativeModules.TestModule.test();   }    render() {     return <View style={{ flex: 1 }} />;   } }  AppRegistry.registerComponent('TestProject', () => TestProject); 

Here is TestModule and its test method:

// ios/TestProject/TestModule.m  #import "TestModule.h"  @implementation TestModule  RCT_EXPORT_MODULE();  RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(test){   NSLog(@"This is a test"); }  @end 

The following test fails with the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'test' of undefined:

// __tests__/index.ios.js  import 'react-native'; import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'; import React from 'react'; import Index from '../index.ios.js';  it('renders correctly', () => {   const tree = renderer.create(     <Index />   ); }); 

I have read the Jest docs on how to Mock native modules using jest.mock, but am still unclear as to how to extend Jest's mock of NativeModules to include my TestModule class above.

like image 263
andybangs Avatar asked Dec 27 '16 06:12


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2 Answers

You can simply add a mock where your native module should be:

import {   NativeModules, } from 'react-native'; import React from 'react'; import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';  describe('TestProject', () => {   beforeEach(() => {     NativeModules.TestModule = { test: jest.fn() }    });   ... }); 
like image 143
rgoldfinger Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


This way, you will mock it once (before jest starts)


module.exports = {   preset: 'react-native',   setupFiles: ['./__mocks__/your-native-bridge.js'] }; 


import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';  NativeModules.YourNativeBridge = {   property: jest.fn() }; 

Don't forget to mock all possible functions, properties in YourNativeBridge

like image 23
gr3g Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
