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How to terminate a child process which is running another program by doing exec



I'm doing fork in my main program,and doing exec in the child process which will run another program. Now i want to terminate the child(i.e., the program invoked by exec) and return back to the main program(or parent program). how could i achieve this.. I tried with ctrl+c but its killing parent process and child also.please help me.

/*This is main.c*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

void sig_int(void);
void sig_term(void);

pid_t pid,ppid;

int main(char argc,char **argv){

int n;
char ch;

printf("***********Application to start or stop services**********\n");

    printf("Enter 1 to start service no.1\n");
    printf("Enter 2 to start service no.2\n");
    printf("Enter 3 to start service no.3\n");

    if(fork() == 0)
            case 1: printf("starting service no. 1..\n");
                printf("checking whether the given service is     already running...\n");
            //  system("./det.sh ./test")   
                pid = getpid();
                printf("child process pid = %d\n",pid);
//                  signal(SIGINT,(void *)sig_int);
//                  signal(SIGTERM,(void *)sig_term);
                execl("./test","test",0,0);//will run test.c

            case 2: printf("starting service no. 2..\n");

            case 3: printf("starting service no. 3..\n");


        int status;
            if (WIFEXITED(status))
                printf("CHILD exited with %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));

            if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
                printf("signaled by %d\n", WTERMSIG(status));

            if (WIFSTOPPED(status))      
                printf("stopped by %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status));
//          sleep(2);
        ppid = getpid();
//          wait();
        printf("\nDo you want to continue...y/n:");
        scanf(" %c",&ch);
}while(ch == 'y');

return 0;   


void sig_int(void)
printf("caught signal\n");
//  signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL);
//  exit(0);

void sig_term(void)
printf("killing the process\n");
//  exit(0);

/*This is test.c*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

void sig_int(void);
void sig_term(void);

pid_t pid;
int main()
//  int a=10,b=40,c=50,max;

    pid = getpid();
printf("exec pid = %d\n",pid);

while (1)

    signal(SIGINT,(void *)sig_int);
    signal(SIGTERM,(void *)sig_term);
//  max=a>b?a>c?a:c:b>c?b:c;
//  printf("%d\n",max);
void sig_int(void)
printf("caught signal\n");
//  signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL);
//  exit(0);


void sig_term(void)
printf("killing the process\n");
//  exit(0);

Now I want to kill "test application" (invoked by exec),and return to the parent process or the "else block" to continue the program.

like image 686
Raju Kunde Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 11:12

Raju Kunde

1 Answers

You need to do the following:

  1. Do a kill(pid, SIGTERM) first - this gives the child process an opportunity to terminate gracefully
  2. Wait a period of time (use sleep). The period of time depends on the time the child process takes to close down gracefully.
  3. Use waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) checking the return value. If the process has not aborted do step 4
  4. Do a kill(pid, SIGKILL) then harvest the zombie by doing waitpid(pid, &status, 0).

These steps ensure that you give the child process to have a signal handler to close down and also ensures that you have no zombie processes.

like image 138
Ed Heal Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 23:12

Ed Heal