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How to tell if Cocoa Touch device can make calls? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
iOS - Detecting whether or not device support phone calls?

I'm writing an iPhone application that provides a button to call a phone number. I'm using code like the following to dial the number using a tel: URL in the usual way:

NSURL* contactTelURL = [NSURL
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:contactTelURL];

It works fine on a real iPhone, but I just get an 'Unsupported URL' alert in the simulator. Presumably that would also happen on an iPod Touch, though I haven't tested that. It would be nice to remove the button when running on a device that won't make calls.

Is there a way to detect programatically whether a Cocoa Touch device can make phone calls?

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Will Harris Avatar asked May 24 '09 15:05

Will Harris

2 Answers

From Noah Witherspoon at Make a call from my iPhone application

the simulator doesn't support a lot of iOS's URL schemes, including those for the Phone, Maps, Youtube, and SMS apps. This is also the case for devices like the iPod touch and the iPad, which don't have phone capabilities; before using any URL scheme via -openURL:, you should check for support for that scheme using -canOpenURL:, which will return YES or NO depending on whether the current device supports the URL scheme you're using

So query [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tel://"]] to find out if the device can make calls.

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neilkimmett Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10


From iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com

#import <sys/utsname.h>

enum {

@interface DeviceDetection : NSObject

+ (uint) detectDevice;
+ (NSString *) returnDeviceName:(BOOL)ignoreSimulator;


@implementation DeviceDetection

+ (uint) detectDevice {
    NSString *model= [[UIDevice currentDevice] model];

    // Some iPod Touch return "iPod Touch", others just "iPod"

    NSString *iPodTouch = @"iPod Touch";
    NSString *iPodTouchLowerCase = @"iPod touch";
    NSString *iPodTouchShort = @"iPod";

    NSString *iPhoneSimulator = @"iPhone Simulator";

    uint detected;

    if ([model compare:iPhoneSimulator] == NSOrderedSame) {
        // iPhone simulator
        detected = MODEL_IPHONE_SIMULATOR;
    } else if ([model compare:iPodTouch] == NSOrderedSame) {
        // iPod Touch
        detected = MODEL_IPOD_TOUCH;
    } else if ([model compare:iPodTouchLowerCase] == NSOrderedSame) {
        // iPod Touch
        detected = MODEL_IPOD_TOUCH;
    } else if ([model compare:iPodTouchShort] == NSOrderedSame) {
        // iPod Touch
        detected = MODEL_IPOD_TOUCH;
    } else {
        // Could be an iPhone V1 or iPhone 3G (model should be "iPhone")
        struct utsname u;

        // u.machine could be "i386" for the simulator, "iPod1,1" on iPod Touch, "iPhone1,1" on iPhone V1 & "iPhone1,2" on iPhone3G


        if (!strcmp(u.machine, "iPhone1,1")) {
            detected = MODEL_IPHONE;
        } else {
            detected = MODEL_IPHONE_3G;
    return detected;

+ (NSString *) returnDeviceName:(BOOL)ignoreSimulator {
    NSString *returnValue = @"Unknown";

    switch ([DeviceDetection detectDevice]) {
            if (ignoreSimulator) {
                returnValue = @"iPhone 3G";
            } else {
                returnValue = @"iPhone Simulator";
        case MODEL_IPOD_TOUCH:
            returnValue = @"iPod Touch";
        case MODEL_IPHONE:
            returnValue = @"iPhone";
        case MODEL_IPHONE_3G:
            returnValue = @"iPhone 3G";
    return returnValue;

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Kriem Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10
