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How to tell if an instance of a parent class was created from an instance of a particular child



I find it easier to ask this question through a code example.

class Parent {}
class Child : Parent {}
Child firstChild = new Child();
Child secondChild = new Child();
Parent firstParent = (Parent)firstChild;
Parent secondParent = (Parent)secondChild;

If I wasn't privy to the above assignments, how would I determine if firstParent was created from the instance firstChild without accessing/comparing their fields or properties?

like image 779
digital_fate Avatar asked Sep 10 '15 09:09


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1 Answers

Well, firstParent is not created (there is no "new" keyword being used) but cast from the firstChild:

Parent firstParent = (Parent)firstChild;

To test use Object.ReferenceEquals (i.e. firstParent and firstChild are just the same instance)

if (Object.ReferenceEquals(firstParent, firstChild)) { ... }
like image 175
Dmitry Bychenko Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Dmitry Bychenko