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how to tell if an index is ever used [duplicate]


I have some old tables with, what I think, are nearly worthless indexes. How can I easily be sure that are not ever being used before I drop them.

like image 690
RacerX Avatar asked Feb 28 '11 17:02


People also ask

How do you know if an index is being used?

In Oracle SQL Developer, when you have SQL in the worksheet, there is a button "Explain Plan", you can also hit F10. After you execute Explain plan, it will show in the bottom view of SQL Developer. There is a column "OBJECT_NAME", it will tell you what index is being used.

How do you know if an index has been rebuilt?

Best Answer There is only the last_analyzed column. So, if you issued alter index x_index rebuild and that finished running, then it means that the index was rebuilt. For improving performance you may also call dbms_stats.

Can indexes have duplicates?

Duplicate indexes are those that exactly match the Key and Included columns. That's easy. Possible duplicate indexes are those that very closely match Key/Included columns.

1 Answers

Based on Joe's answer I came up with this:

SELECT       row_number() over(order by user_seeks,user_lookups,user_scans),       [Database] = d.name,       [Schema]= s.name,       [Table]= o.name,       [Index]= x.name,       [Scans] = user_scans,       [Seeks] = user_seeks,       [Lookups] = user_lookups,       [Last Scan] = last_user_scan,       [System Scans] = system_scans FROM  sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats u INNER JOIN sys.sysdatabases d on u.database_id = d.dbid INNER JOIN sys.sysindexes x on u.object_id = x.id  and u.index_id = x.indid INNER JOIN sys.objects o on u.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id where  x.name is not null order by 1 desc 
like image 175
RacerX Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10
