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How to tell if a task has already been queued in django-celery?


Here's my setup:

  • django 1.3
  • celery 2.2.6
  • django-celery 2.2.4
  • djkombu 0.9.2

In my settings.py file I have

BROKER_BACKEND = "djkombu.transport.DatabaseTransport"

i.e. I'm just using the database to queue tasks.

Now on to my problem: I have a user-initiated task that could take a few minutes to complete. I want the task to only run once per user, and I will cache the results of the task in a temporary file so if the user initiates the task again I just return the cached file. I have code that looks like this in my view function:

task_id = "long-task-%d" % user_id
result = tasks.some_long_task.AsyncResult(task_id)

if result.state == celery.states.PENDING:
    # The next line makes a duplicate task if the user rapidly refreshes the page
    return HttpResponse("Task started...")
elif result.state == celery.states.STARTED:
    return HttpResponse("Task is still running, please wait...")
elif result.state == celery.states.SUCCESS:
    if cached_file_still_exists():
        return get_cached_file()
        return HttpResponse("Task started...")

This code almost works. But I'm running into a problem when the user rapidly reloads the page. There's a 1-3 second delay between when the task is queued and when the task is finally pulled off the queue and given to a worker. During this time, the task's state remains PENDING which causes the view logic to kick off a duplicate task.

What I need is some way to tell if the task has already been submitted to the queue so I don't end up submitting it twice. Is there a standard way of doing this in celery?