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How to tell Autofixture to create objects with different ID?

i have a simple Setup method in my tests thats creates two instances of an object (make by and Id and a Description properties) and i have done it with autofixture:

MyObject o1 = fixture.Create<MyObject>();
MyObject o2 = fixture.Create<MyObject>();

next i try to save objects to db but i get error of duplicate key, i debug the setup and see that o1 and o2 have the same Id

According to Wiki, number should be generate progressivly:

Autogenerated Number

int autoGeneratedNumber = fixture.Create<int>();

Sample Result

int: 1, followed by 2, then by 3, etc.

but seem id does not work in this way with object property so now i use this simple workaround:

MyObject o1= fixture.Build<MyObject>().With(x => x.Id, 1).Create();
MyObject o2= fixture.Build<MyObject>().With(x => x.Id, 2).Create();

but don't like it very much

is here a way to use ISpecimenBuilder for setting up Autofixture to make it generate progressive id?

Some more info:

this is my base test class:

public class BaseDBTest
    public BaseDBTest()
    { }
    public Ploeh.AutoFixture.Fixture fixture { get { return new Fixture(); } }

and test setup:

public class MyObjectTests : BaseDBTest
    MyObject o1;
    MyObject o2;

    public void CreaDati()
        o1= fixture.Create<MyObject >();
        o2= fixture.Create<MyObject >();

strange things is:

if I debug of the specific test objects are created with different id and random, but if I debug of all the tests of my project (with visual studio 2013 using Nunit runner) id's are created equal


MyObject definition, quite complex, sorry:

public class MyObject: LookUpObject<MyObject, int>

public abstract class LookUpObject<TObject, TKeyType> : EquatableObject<TObject>,     IKeyedEntity<TKeyType>
    where TObject : class
    where TKeyType : struct
    private TKeyType id;
    private string description;
    private bool isValid;

    public virtual TKeyType Id
        get { return id; }
        set { id = value; }

    public virtual string Description
        get { return description; }
        set { description= value; }
    public virtual bool IsValid
        get { return isValid; }
        set { isValid= value; }

    protected LookUpObject()


image of the strange things make with Nunit (I was afraid it might depend on Visual Studio),

single test run link

project test run link

like image 840
gt.guybrush Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 09:08


1 Answers

This is because in your base class property to get the Fixture, you are returning a new Fixture object every time. The auto generation of Ids can only be guaranteed per Fixture instance.

Change this:

public class BaseDBTest
    public BaseDBTest()
    { }
    public Ploeh.AutoFixture.Fixture fixture { get { return new Fixture(); } }

to this:

public class BaseDBTest
    private Fixture _fixture = new Fixture();
    public BaseDBTest()
    { }
    public Ploeh.AutoFixture.Fixture fixture { get { return _fixture; } }
like image 143
demoncodemonkey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09
