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How to switch two elements in string using Python RegEx?




I am trying to switch two elements in the string while keeping all the other characters untouched. Here is an example:

Original string:


Required output:


Notice that element after A* and B* are switched.

I was able to compile a RegEx pattern that gives me elements to replace like following:

>>> import re
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'A\*(.*?)\*.*?B\*(.*?)\*')
>>> M = pattern.findall(string)
>>> M
[('12', 'HS'), ('45', 'SD')]

After this stage I need your help to find out how to use sub to get the required string.

like image 249
harshal1618 Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 15:02


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1 Answers

One option is to capture the pattern between the two interested patterns as well and use back reference to reorder them:

s = r'xyzA*12*pqR*stB*HS*lmN*opA*45*a4N*gB*SD*drtU*ghy'

import re
pattern = re.compile(r'A\*(.*?)(\*.*?B\*)(.*?)\*')

#keep the position of the second group and switch the position of the first and third group
pattern.sub(r"A*\3\2\1*", s)
# 'xyzA*HS*pqR*stB*12*lmN*opA*SD*a4N*gB*45*drtU*ghy'
like image 57
Psidom Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10
