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How to switch tabs programmatically in Android from fragment?

I have implemented a TabActivity which extends FragmentActivity. It has 5 tabs each tab is a Fragment. What i am looking for is to switch between the tabs programmatically.

For eg: if i am in tab4. On button click I want to move from tab4 to tab1. Tried a lot but couldn't find the solution for this.

Tried with the following but it doesn't help.

From SecondTab

public void switchTabInActivity(String value){     FirstTab parent;     parent = (FirstTab) getActivity().getParent();     parent.switchTab(value); } 


  /** To Change Tab*/ public void switchTab(String tabno){      this.onTabChanged(tabno); } 
like image 601
vinothp Avatar asked May 01 '13 08:05


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1 Answers

for Material support you switch the tablayout from a fragment in the following ways:

1) send a broadcast that is received by the parent activity which then modifies the tab.


2.) A modification of vino's answer,

TabLayout tabhost = (TabLayout) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.tabLayout); tabhost.getTabAt(2).select(); 

tablayout is the id of the tablayout as defined in your main xml.

like image 133
Kennedy Nyaga Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Kennedy Nyaga