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How to swap 128-bit parts between two AVX2 vectors






Problem: I have 4 x 256-bit AVX2 vectors (A, B, C, D) and I need to perform a swaping operation of their respective 128-bit parts and between two different vectors. Here is the transformation I need to do.

             Original                      Transformed
    || Low Lane || High Lane||     || Low Lane || High Lane||
A = ||    L1    ||    H1    || = > ||    L1    ||    L2    ||
B = ||    L2    ||    H2    || = > ||    H1    ||    H2    ||
C = ||    L3    ||    H3    || = > ||    L3    ||    L4    ||
D = ||    L4    ||    H4    || = > ||    H3    ||    H4    ||


Basically I need to store output in the following order L1, L2, L3, L4, H1, H2, H3, H4 to an array.

My current solution is using:
4x _mm256_blend_epi32 (worst-case: latency 1, throughput 0.35)
4x _mm256_permute2x128_si256 (worst-case: latency 3, throughput 1)

// (a, c) = block0, (b, d) = block1
a = Avx2.Permute2x128(a, a, 1);
var template = Avx2.Blend(a, b, 0b1111_0000); // H1 H2
a = Avx2.Blend(a, b, 0b0000_1111); // L2 l1
a = Avx2.Permute2x128(a, a, 1); // L1 l2
b = template;

c = Avx2.Permute2x128(c, c, 1);
template = Avx2.Blend(c, d, 0b1111_0000); // H3 H4
c = Avx2.Blend(c, d, 0b0000_1111);  // L4 L3
c = Avx2.Permute2x128(c, c, 1); // L3 l4
d = template;

// Store keystream into buffer (in corrected order = [block0, block1])
Avx2.Store(outputPtr, a);
Avx2.Store(outputPtr + Vector256<uint>.Count, c);
Avx2.Store(outputPtr + Vector256<uint>.Count * 2, b);
Avx2.Store(outputPtr + Vector256<uint>.Count * 3, d);

Note: I'm using C#/NetCore to do AVX2 if you are wondering! Feel free to use examples in C/C++.

Is there any better or more efficient way to do it?


Accepted answer as C#

var tmp = Avx2.Permute2x128(a, b, 0x20);
b = Avx2.Permute2x128(a, b, 0x31);
a = tmp;
tmp = Avx2.Permute2x128(c, d, 0x20);
d = Avx2.Permute2x128(c, d, 0x31);
c = tmp;
like image 393
xtremertx Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 10:03


2 Answers

If I understand you correctly, I think you could get away without the blend instructions for this 2x4 transpose, creating new variables that pick the lanes you want. Something like:

__m256i a;    // L1 H1
__m256i b;    // L2 H2
__m256i c;    // L3 H3
__m256i d;    // L4 H4

__m256i A = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(a, b, 0x20);  // L1 L2
__m256i B = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(a, b, 0x31);  // H1 H2
__m256i C = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(c, d, 0x20);  // L3 L4
__m256i D = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(c, d, 0x31);  // H3 H4

You still have the 3-cycle latency of the vperm2i128 instruction, but you always have that when you have data crossing 128-bit lanes. These 4 shuffles are independent so they can pipeline (ILP); Intel and Zen 2 have 1/clock throughput for vperm2i128 (https://agner.org/optimize/, https://uops.info/).

If you're lucky, a compiler will optimize the L1,L2 and L3,L4 shuffles into vinserti128 which AMD Zen 1 runs much more efficiently (1 uop instead of 8; lane-crossing shuffles get split into multiple 128-bit uops.)

These 4 shuffles take 4 uops for the shuffle port (port 5 on Intel); Intel and Zen2 have only 1/clock shuffle throughput for these shuffles. If that would be a bottleneck in your loop, consider @chtz's answer which costs more front-end throughput by doing 2 shuffles to line up the 4 lanes that need to move in preparation for cheap blends (vpblendd). Related: What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?

like image 190
Jason R Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 15:03

Jason R

You can do your operation with two permutes and 4 blends, giving an absolute throughput of 2 cycles:

void foo(
    __m256i a,    // L1 H1
    __m256i b,    // L2 H2
    __m256i c,    // L3 H3
    __m256i d,    // L4 H4
    __m256i* outputPtr
    // permute. Port usage: 1*p5, Latency 3 on both inputs
    __m256i BA = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(a, b, 0x21);  // H1 L2 
    __m256i DC = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(c, d, 0x21);  // H3 L4

    // blend. Port usage: 1*p015, Latency 1 on both inputs
    __m256i A = _mm256_blend_epi32(a, BA, 0xf0);  // L1 L2
    __m256i B = _mm256_blend_epi32(BA, b, 0xf0);  // H1 H2
    __m256i C = _mm256_blend_epi32(c, DC, 0xf0);  // L3 L4
    __m256i D = _mm256_blend_epi32(DC, d, 0xf0);  // H3 H4

    _mm256_store_si256(outputPtr+0, A);
    _mm256_store_si256(outputPtr+1, B);
    _mm256_store_si256(outputPtr+2, C);
    _mm256_store_si256(outputPtr+3, D);

However, depending on context (especially if a, ..., d are originally read from memory), it may also be better to use a sequence of vmovdqu and vinserti128 instructions with m128 memory operands. You'll have twice as many loads, but no interlane latency and no bottle-neck on port 5 -- regarding latency and port-usage a memory-based vinsert128 behaves like a blend.

like image 40
chtz Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 16:03
