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How to suppress aws lambda cli output

I want to use aws lambda update-function-code command to deploy the code of my function. The problem here is that aws CLI always prints out some information after deployment. That information contains sensitive information, such as environment variables and their values. That is not acceptable as I'm going to use public CI services, and I don't want that info to become available to anyone. At the same time I don't want to solve this by directing everything from AWS command to /dev/null for example as in this case I will lose information about errors and exceptions which will make it harder to debug it if something went. What can I do here?

p.s. SAM is not an option, as it will force me to switch to another framework and completely change the workflow I'm using.

like image 868
Guru_1010 Avatar asked Jun 15 '19 21:06


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1 Answers

You could target the output you'd like to suppress by replacing those values with jq

For example if you had output from the cli command like below:

  "FunctionName": "my-function",
  "LastModified": "2019-09-26T20:28:40.438+0000",
  "RevisionId": "e52502d4-9320-4688-9cd6-152a6ab7490d",
  "MemorySize": 256,
  "Version": "$LATEST",
  "Role": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/my-function-role-uy3l9qyq",
  "Timeout": 3,
  "Runtime": "nodejs10.x",
  "TracingConfig": {
      "Mode": "PassThrough"
  "CodeSha256": "5tT2qgzYUHaqwR716pZ2dpkn/0J1FrzJmlKidWoaCgk=",
  "Description": "",
  "VpcConfig": {
      "SubnetIds": [],
      "VpcId": "",
      "SecurityGroupIds": []
  "CodeSize": 304,
  "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function",
  "Handler": "index.handler",
  "Environment": {
    "Variables": {
      "SomeSensitiveVar": "value",
      "SomeOtherSensitiveVar": "password"

You might pipe that to jq and replace values only if the keys exist:

aws lambda update-function-code <args> | jq '
  if .Environment.Variables.SomeSensitiveVar? then .Environment.Variables.SomeSensitiveVar = "REDACTED" else . end |
  if .Environment.Variables.SomeRandomSensitiveVar? then .Environment.Variables.SomeOtherSensitiveVar = "REDACTED" else . end'

You know which data is sensitive and will need to set this up appropriately. You can see the example of what data is returned in the cli docs and the API docs are also helpful for understanding what the structure can look like.

like image 79
Brandon Miller Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09

Brandon Miller