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How to suppress all output of diff in shell scripting?




People also ask

What does diff output if the files are the same?

Output a "normal" diff, which is the default. Produce output only when files differ. If there are no differences, output nothing. Report when two files are the same.

Which command gives all differences between two files?

diff stands for difference. This command is used to display the differences in the files by comparing the files line by line.

How many inputs does the diff command have?

Of the two input files typically found on the command line of diff, only one can be the standard input (stdin). Too many lines in filename. A file of more than the maximum number of lines (see Limits) was given to diff.

When two files are identical What is the output of diff command?

When two files are identical, what is the output of diff command? Explanation: When two files are identical, diff command does not produce any output. It simply returns the shell prompt $. However, we can use the -s option to display an informative message on the terminal if the files are identical.

If all you want to know is whether the two files differ, cmp is the better tool.

if cmp -s file1 file2; then
   echo Files not changed.

diff $FILE1 $FILE2 &>/dev/null