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How to subset a data frame by taking only the Non NA values of 2 columns in this data frame

I am trying to subset a data frame by taking the integer values of 2 columns om my data frame

Subs1<-subset(DATA,DATA[,2][!is.na(DATA[,2])] & DATA[,3][!is.na(DATA[,3])])

but it gives me an error : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length.

How can I construct a subset which is composed of NON NA values of column 2 AND column 3?

Thanks a lot?

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EnginO Avatar asked Feb 13 '15 09:02


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To select rows of an R data frame that are non-Na, we can use complete. cases function with single square brackets. For example, if we have a data frame called that contains some missing values (NA) then the selection of rows that are non-NA can be done by using the command df[complete. cases(df),].

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To find the sum of non-missing values in an R data frame column, we can simply use sum function and set the na. rm to TRUE. For example, if we have a data frame called df that contains a column say x which has some missing values then the sum of the non-missing values can be found by using the command sum(df$x,na.

1 Answers

Try this:

Subs1<-subset(DATA, (!is.na(DATA[,2])) & (!is.na(DATA[,3])))

The second parameter of subset is a logical vector with same length of nrow(DATA), indicating whether to keep the corresponding row.

like image 140
cogitovita Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
