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How to submit an archive only for 64-bit iOS devices?





I'm trying to archive a content blocker application. Because the API is only available on 64 bits, I've added this in the info.plist of the app:


This value is only in the application target, not the content blocker target. When sending my application to the App Store using Xcode Organizer it returns this message:

ERROR ITMS-90503: "Invalid Bundle. Apps that have 'arm64' in the list of UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist must only contain the arm64 slice."...

I've checked online and this error looks new and undocumented, do you know what should I do to remove it?

like image 233
Armand Grillet Avatar asked Sep 11 '15 10:09

Armand Grillet

3 Answers

your plist must be look like that:

enter image description here

Set Build Active Architecture Only set to Yes. And you validate build product look like that:

enter image description here

like image 141
Nitin Gohel Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09

Nitin Gohel

As dsiddhpura suggested, the solution is to check the valid architectures in the build settings. Be sure to have selected "All" in the right top-right corner and verify that there is only arm64 in the valid architectures.

It should look like this: enter image description here

like image 29
Armand Grillet Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Armand Grillet

You can't upload apps to the App Store with that requirement. The only requirement you can have is lowest iOS target. So if you specify iOS9 (latest) then the iPhone 4s is still able to download your app. iPhone 4s runs the 32-bit architecture.

like image 37
Philip Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09
