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How to style title in Bootstrap select

I am using Bootstrap select (https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/) for my dropdown boxes.

<select id="dataBox" name="dataBox" title="Select data" class="selectpicker form-control"></select> 

However, the issue here is the title looks slightly different (font and color) from placeholders in input boxes in the surrounding area. Like shown below. Is there anyway to format the title instead of the placeholder?

This is a title

enter image description here

This is a placeholder

enter image description here

like image 823
kevin_b Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 02:11


1 Answers

Bootstrap-select is tricky. The answer here is to do this:

.bootstrap-select > .dropdown-toggle[title='Select role'],
.bootstrap-select > .dropdown-toggle[title='Select role']:hover,
.bootstrap-select > .dropdown-toggle[title='Select role']:focus,
.bootstrap-select > .dropdown-toggle[title='Select role']:active {
    color: grey;
like image 125
OneMoreQuestion Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
