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How to style a div content after fixed div header with dynamic height

following situation:

 <div style="position:fixed; width:100%">[place holder for header]</div>
 <div style="position:relative;width:100%;margin-top:100px">[content]</div>

I need the header always visible and at the top, so this one should be with position:fixed. A problem occurs after self adjustments of the header - height. If the header is higher than 100px a part of the content is hidden.

How can I (CSS) dynamically set the start position of the content div regarding the end of the header.

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user1162738 Avatar asked Jul 01 '12 22:07


2 Answers

I'm still looking for a CSS only solution, but for the moment here's an idea using just one line of JavaScript – when using jQuery:


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#content').css('marginTop', $('#header').outerHeight(true) );


    <div id="header" style="[…]">[place holder for header]</div>
    <div id="content" style="[…]">[content]</div>

The advantage of using .outerHeight(true) is, that it takes care of borders and margins you may have applied to your header.

like image 158
insertusernamehere Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


CSS only solution (although not super clean) could be to display the same block twice: 1st block "position: fixed", 2nd block "visibility: hidden". Since both would have the same height, the role for the 2nd block would be to push down the page content to the appropriate level.

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Etienne Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
