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How to structure multiple HTTP requests in a server-side rendered React app?

I am currently using the below server side rendering logic (using reactjs + nodejs +redux) to fetch the data synchronously the first time and set it as initial state in store.


  export function fetchInitialData(q,callback){
      const url='http://....'
          }).catch((error)=> {

I fetch the data asynchronously and load the output in to store the first time the page loads using callback.

handleRender(req, res){
 fetchInitialData(q,apiResult => {
    const data=apiResult;
    const results ={data,fetched:true,fetching:false,queryValue:q}
    const store = configureStore(results, reduxRouterMiddleware);
    const html = renderToString(component);

I have a requirement to make 4 to 5 API calls on initial page load hence thought of checking to see if there is an easy way to achieve making multiple calls on page load.

Do I need to chain the api calls and manually merge the response from different API calls and send it back to load the initial state?

Update 1: I am thinking of using axios.all approach, can someone let me know if that is a ideal approach?

like image 425
Learner Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 18:10


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1 Answers

You want to make sure that requests happen in parallel, and not in sequence.

I have solved this previously by creating a Promise for each API call, and wait for all of them with axios.all(). The code below is basically pseudo code, I could dig into a better implementation at a later time.

handleRender(req, res){
    .then(initialResponse => {
      return axios.all(
    .then(allResponses => res.send(renderToString(component)))

buildFirstCallResponse() {
  return axios.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1')
    .catch(err => console.error('Something went wrong in the first call', err))
    .then(response => response.json())

Notice how all responses are bundled up into an array.

The Redux documentation goes into server-side rendering a bit, but you might already have seen that. redux.js.org/docs/recipes/ServerRendering

Also checkout the Promise docs to see exactly what .all() does.developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/all

Let me know if anything is unclear.

like image 163
AntonNiklasson Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10
