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How to strip & from a string?

Using RoR 2.3.8

name has the value Tiffany & Co.

This code in view:

@header_title = 'Related shops with ' + strip_tags(@shop.name)

yields result A:

#note that the & has NOT been stripped
Related shops with Tiffany & Co.

This code in view:

@header_title = strip_tags(@shop.name) + 'Related shops with '

yields result B:

#note that the & HAS been stripped
Tiffany & Co. Related shops with

I actually want Related shops with Tiffany & Co. (i.e. convert the & to &)

How do I do this?

Why is it that in the second call, the & is stripped, but not so in the first call?

like image 900
Victor Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 17:04


People also ask

What does strip dancing mean?

Definition of striptease : an act or dance in which a person gradually removes their clothing piece by piece in a seductive or provocative manner especially to the accompaniment of music.

1 Answers

A guess:

@header_title = ('Related shops with ' + strip_tags(@shop.name)).html_safe

In your example the & isn't really stripped in either case. If the string isn't marked as html safe it is being escaped by default when added to view, so & becomes & if you check the page source.

Alternative when @header_title isn't html safe and you are adding it to erb view:

<%= raw @header_title %>

This 'html safeness' is related to Rails XSS protection:

  • http://railscasts.com/episodes/204-xss-protection-in-rails-3

Note that you should use html_safe and raw only when you trust the contents of the string.


Edited the answer after testing in Rails 3 console. Still don't know why the order matters there.

ruby-1.8.7-p330 :020 > ('Related shops with ' + helper.strip_tags("Tiffany &amp; Co.")).html_safe?
 => false 
ruby-1.8.7-p330 :021 > (helper.strip_tags("Tiffany &amp; Co.") + 'Related shops with ').html_safe?
 => true 
ruby-1.8.7-p330 :022 > ('Related shops with ' + helper.strip_tags("Tiffany &amp; Co.")).html_safe.html_safe?
 => true


Further testing.. It looks like order matters when concatenating safe and unsafe strings.

ruby-1.8.7-p330 :037 > safe = "This is html safe string".html_safe
 => "This is html safe string" 
ruby-1.8.7-p330 :038 > not_safe = "This is not html safe string"
 => "This is not html safe string" 
ruby-1.8.7-p330 :039 > (safe + not_safe).html_safe?
 => true 
ruby-1.8.7-p330 :040 > (not_safe + safe).html_safe?
 => false
like image 85
Heikki Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
