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How to store releases/binaries in GitLab?

I am building a workflow with Gitlab, Jenkins and - probably - Nexus (I need an artifact storage). I would like to have GitLab to store releases/binaries - is it possible in a convenient way?

I would not like to have another service from which a release (and documentation) could be downloaded but to have it somehow integrated with repository manager, just like releases are handled in e.g. GitHub. Any clues?

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Kasia Gauza Avatar asked Mar 12 '15 15:03

Kasia Gauza

People also ask

Does GitLab support binary files?

If you're using Git on the command line, there are different installation options available to you: Binary Packages: Up-to-date binary packages are available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD.

Can you store artifacts in GitLab?

Storing job artifacts. GitLab Runner can upload an archive containing the job artifacts to GitLab. By default, this is done when the job succeeds, but can also be done on failure, or always, with the artifacts:when parameter. Most artifacts are compressed by GitLab Runner before being sent to the coordinator.

How do I upload a folder to GitLab?

You add a “remote” to tell Git which remote repository in GitLab is tied to the specific local folder on your computer. The remote tells Git where to push or pull from. You have to create a project to hold your files. You should create a project in gitlab.

2 Answers

Update Oct. 2020:

GitLab 13.5 now offers:

Attach binary assets to Releases

If you aren’t currently using GitLab for your releases because you can’t attach binaries to releases, your workflow just got a lot simpler.

You now have the ability to attach binaries to a release tag from the gitlab.ci-yml. This extends support of Release Assets to include binaries, rather than just asset links or source code. This makes it even easier for your development teams to adopt GitLab and use it to automate your release process.

https://about.gitlab.com/images/13_5/release_assets.png -- Attach binary assets to Releases

See Documentation and Issue.

Update Nov. 2015: GitLab 8.2 now supports releases.

With its API, you now can create and update a relase associated to a tag.
For now, it is only the ability to add release notes (markdown text and attachments) to git tags (aka Releases).

  • first upload the release binary
  • create a new release and place a link to the uploaded binary in the description

Update May 2019: GitLab 1.11 introduces an interesting "Guest access to Releases":

It is now possible for guest users of your projects to view releases that you have published on the Releases page.
They will be able to download your published artifacts, but are not allowed to download the source code nor see repository information such as tags and commits.

Original answer March 2015

This is in progress, and suggested in suggestions 4156755:

We’re accepting merge requests for the minimal proposal by Ciro:

  1. For each repository tag under https://github.com/cirosantilli/test/releases/tag/3.0, allow to upload and download a list of files. 2. The upload and download can be done directly from the tag list view. 3. If a tag gets removed, the uploads are destroyed. (we’re not accepting the tag message edit mentioned in recent comments)

The comments to that suggestion include:

What makes it more interesting is the next step.
I would really like a way to let public download artifacts from "releases" without being able to access source code (i.e. make sources private for project team only except anything else like wiki, "releases", issue tracker).

However, such additional feature looks more generic and I submitted a separate feature request for that.

Nevertheless, I repeat my point here:
While the simplistic version of "releases" is still nice to have, many people can easily set up external file server and point URLs in release/tag description to this server outside GitLab.
In other words, "releases" may not look attractive now without some future picture of integration.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09


This answer is going to be basically the same, as the one from VonC, just described in a step-by-step manner for less experienced CI users.

So, let's say, that you have a really cool commit 30728cab and you'd like to make this version of your code a new release...

1) Create a tag for your commit

git tag -a MY_TAG_NAME 30728cab 

After this command you'll be asked to fill in a description, just like when you're committing new changes to your code.

2) Push the tag to your remote repository

Tag are NOT going to be pushed there automatically with your commits! You need to push them manually to your remote.


3) Upload a file

Now you can either a) upload a file to the GitLab repository, b) upload it anywhere else and save the link in both cases.

WARNING: Files uploaded to the GitLab repository can't be easily deleted then and you can't see their link later!

While I'm NOT recommending uploading binaries to the repository because of the reason above, you asked for it, so here is the way:

curl --request POST --header "Private-Token: YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN" --form "file=@/PATH/TO/THE/FILE/file.txt" "https://MY_GITLAB_HOSTING.COM/api/v4/projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/uploads" 

The private token can be created in User settings -> Access tokens.

Also, if you really needed to delete the file, you can export the project, remove manually the folder updates from your downloaded archive, delete the former remote repository and create a new one by importing your downloaded and modified archive.

4) Create a release

Now we can finally tie it all together using Release.

curl --request POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "Private-Token: YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN" --data '{"name": "MY_RELEASE_NAME", "tag_name": "MY_TAG_NAME", "description": "Release with the binary LINK_TO_YOUR_BINARY"}' "https://MY_GITLAB_HOSTING.COM/api/v4/projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/releases" 

You can see, that Release is inherently tied with a specific tag, which is subsequently tied to a specific commit. Connection with binaries is then performed simply by providing links to those files.

The funny point is, that your description supports Markdown, but it's really hard to write some larger *.md document in such cumbersome one-liner. So I've written a short Bash script, which allows us to write the Markdown file aside and then it reads it and sends it automatically:

#!/bin/bash  RELEASE_NAME="$1" TAG_NAME="$2" PROJECT_ID="$3" DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH="$4" PRIVATE_TOKEN="$5"  if [ "$5" == "" ]; then     echo "Missing parameter! Parameters are RELEASE_NAME, TAG_NAME, PROJECT_ID, DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH and PRIVATE_TOKEN.";     exit 1; fi  DESCRIPTION=''  # Load data from file while read -r line; do     DESCRIPTION="${DESCRIPTION}${line}\n"; done < "${DESCRIPTION_FILE_PATH}"  curl --request POST\      --header 'Content-Type: application/json'\      --header "Private-Token: ${PRIVATE_TOKEN}"\      --data-binary "{\"name\": \"${RELEASE_NAME}\", \"tag_name\": \"${TAG_NAME}\", \"description\": \"${DESCRIPTION}\"}"\      "https://MY_GITLAB_HOSTING.com/api/v4/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/releases"   echo 

so you can use it just like


And now that's it! You have your first complete release!

Until you realizes, that you've made a terrible typo in the header of your release description...

5) Delete a release (if needed)

Here you're lucky! Unlike uploaded binaries you can delete your releases using the REST API, too!

curl --request DELETE --header "Private-Token: MY_PRIVATE_TOKEN" "https://MY_GITLAB_HOSTING.com/api/v4/projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/releases/MY_TAG_NAME" 

And as it is still pretty annoying to type this several times in a row, I've made another Bash script:

#!/bin/bash  PROJECT_ID=$1 TAG_NAME=$2 PRIVATE_TOKEN=$3  if [ "$3" == "" ]; then     echo "Missing parameter! Parameters are PROJECT_ID, TAG_NAME and PRIVATE_TOKEN.";     exit 1; fi  curl --request DELETE --header "Private-Token: ${PRIVATE_TOKEN}" "https://MY_GITLAB_HOSTING.com/api/v4/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/releases/${TAG_NAME}"  echo  

which can be used like ./delete_release.sh MY_PROJECT_ID MY_TAG_NAME MY_PRIVATE_TOKEN.

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Eenoku Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09
