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How to store indices in a list

I want to find certain segments of a string and store them, however, I will need to store a large number of these strings and I was thinking that it might be more elegant to store them as indices of the master string rather than as a list of strings. I am having trouble retrieving the indices for use. For example:

index1 = [0:3, 4:8] #invalid syntax
index2 = ['0:3','5:6']


print(s[index2[0]]) #TypeError string indices must be integers

Am I thinking about this the wrong way?

like image 554
Sam Avatar asked May 06 '15 04:05


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The elements of a list can be accessed by an index. To do that, you name the list, and then inside of a pair of square brackets you use an index number, like what I'm showing right here. 00:17 That allows access to individual elements within the list. The indexing for the list is zero-based.

2 Answers

The colon-based slicing syntax is only valid inside the indexing operator, e.g. x[i:j]. Instead, you can store slice objects in your list, where slice(x,y,z) is equivalent to x:y:z, e.g.

index = [slice(0,3), slice(5,6)]
print([s[i] for i in index])

will print:

['ABC', 'F']
like image 133
Ray Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10


Your idea of storing indices instead of actual substrings is a good one.

As for the mechanism, you should store the (start, end) numbers as a tuple of two integers:

index1 = [(0,3), (4,8)]

When it's time to reproduce the substring, write code like this:

pair = index1[0]  # (0,3)
sub = s[pair[0] : pair[1]]  # 'ABC'
like image 28
Nayuki Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10
